Title: Room for Jesus (Luke 2:1-7)
The election is over. Now is the time to help the elected president become a good president. Jesus is on this earth
He came to Irony. He was rich, but he became poor. He loved the Jews and was a descendant of his chosen people.
He came, but he was rejected by them and died. He is the owner of everything.
When he was born, he had no room to be born. When everyone went to their hometown to register, Joseph and
Mary also went to Bethlehem with her. In his hometown of Bethlehem, there was neither a house nor a room for Jesus.
Not to mention the place. Even now, the Lord is looking for a room to come out.
1. Reasons to go to the stables
There was no room for Jesus to be born in Bethlehem, so Mary went to the stable and Jesus left the stable.
came out The Lord born in the stable is a symbol of humility. Jesus is humble and humble
He was born in a stable in a room, and he said to tie a yoke with a donkey, and rides on a donkey that binds the yoke.
you entered Because Jesus was humble, he was born out of the stable so that the humble could meet him.
will be. If Jesus had been born in the royal palace, the shepherds would not have met Him. we too
Only when you have a humble heart can you find the stable and meet Jesus. Jesus of Bethlehem
Even now, the Nativity Church has a small entrance, so you have to bow your head to enter.
2. There are too many rooms in this world.
In those days there were many rooms in Herod's palace, in the Senate, in the Sanhedrin, and in the homes of Bethlehem.
There was no room for Jesus. There is no room for Jesus in such a luxurious and expensive house. come recently
There are many rooms in our house too, but the more rooms there are, the less room there is for Jesus. recently we
Society does not know how many rooms there are, such as karaoke rooms, video rooms, phone rooms, cartoon rooms, and jjimjilbangs. so many
There are rooms, but modern people do not have rooms prepared for Jesus. Who are these many rooms for?
You need to know what the room is for. There must be room for the subject and purpose of life. yourself
Too many rooms for Jesus is proof that there is no room for Jesus.
3. We need a room for Jesus.
The inn is a room that anyone can enter, but there was no room for Jesus here either. all kinds
The inn was where everyone was welcomed, but there was no room for Jesus. There are many in our heart room
Everything goes in, but you have to see if there is no room for Jesus. for Elisha
The Shunammite woman who has always prepared a room for her will have her son live there. Preparation is a room for us
it gives grace Room means relaxation. There is always room for Jesus in our hearts.
should have You must have room in your heart to work for the Lord and have a heart for the marginalized
should be able to afford Abundant possessions take away room for Jesus. no longer economically prosperous
Let's face reality and make a room for Jesus again. Lost because of too much greed and possession
Let it be Christmas when we get back a room for Jesus so that Jesus can be born and stay.