Title: Rules of Greed
Title: Regulations on Greed
Text: (Leviticus 25:14-22)
Hymns: 460. kneeling in vain
Date: December 18, 2011 (Sunday) 5 am
Venue: Jeonju Yebut Church Small Worship Room
There is no end to human greed. When I run, I want to walk, when I walk, I want to sit, and when I sit, I want to lie down. No amount of possessions can satisfy the greed of the heart. Man's true satisfaction comes from temperance and perseverance. In the text, God controls and limits human desires.
1. Prohibition of corporate trading
Land acquired by Israel as an inheritance in Canaan cannot be bought and sold without permission. This is because land inequality causes income disparities between families and creates a polarization between the rich and the poor. After the conquest of Canaan, God evenly distributed the land of Canaan to the 12 tribes. At first, Israel was an egalitarian community, with neither the poor nor the rich. However, over time, people began to accumulate wealth and buy other people's businesses, and on the other hand, people became poor and sold their own businesses. As a result, an unequal structure of exploitation and oppression was established. In response to this, God created a system in which the land was returned to its original owner every 50 years so that the people would not harbor excessive greed. Such a system prevents overheated competition and has the effect of redistributing wealth.
2. Prohibition of unfair advantage
Purchased land must be used until the Jubilee and returned to its original owner. The purchase price of the land is proportional to the number of years remaining until the next Jubilee. In this transaction, Israel must not deceive anyone. You must not use the jubilee to gain an undue advantage. The person selling the land should not ask for too much, and the person who is buying the land should not try to buy it too cheaply either. By giving and receiving a fair price, we must ensure that there is no injustice between each other. It is unworthy of God's people to do harm to others for self-interest. In all cases, believers must demonstrate God's justice and testify of God's goodness by adhering to fair principles.
3. Don't Worry About Forms
The sabbatical and jubilee systems are the touchstone for Israel's trust in God. God required the Israelites to believe in His providence and live by faith even while there was no crop. If we obey this, Israel will be plentiful and safe. God specifically promised that he would give us plenty of rain and sunlight for the 6th year, so that the produce would be enough to eat for 3 years. Jesus told the Saints not to worry about what they would wear or drink, like the Gentiles. God is a merciful Father who feeds the birds of the air and clothes the lilies. Please look back on the area we are concerned about now and see if it is not our distrust of God.
Even if you are too hungry, you can profane the name of God, but even if you are too hungry, there is a risk of saying you do not know God. Doing whatever you want to do, sometimes leads to indulgence and deviance. Saints must set spiritual boundaries in every field of life. When we remember God, we can keep our duty as saints.
1. Let me meditate on the Word and pray in my life every day!
2. Let the rivers of living water overflow from the Yebut pulpit and fill the whole world!
3. Heal the weak members of the church and save the unbelieving families so that they can achieve the fame of faith!