Title: Rumors of the Antioch Church (2014.1.19)
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Date: 2014.1.19
Word: Acts 11:19-26
Title: Rumors of the Antioch Church
Triple Revival of the Antioch Church Then, what was the rumor of the Antioch Church?
It is rumored that the number of saints has increased. (verse 21) They preached the gospel of the Lord even in difficult times. The hand of the Lord was with them. The Lord is with those who live for the sake of the gospel. The Spirit of the Lord is with me and the hand of the Lord. If you are with me, we can do anything. The church is a church when it proves that the Lord's hand is with you. There were many faithful and good workers. (Verse 20) The church is a gathering place of many kinds of people. There are many people with various talents and temperaments. But there are not many workers. Everyone should be workers.
After sending Barnabas, a larger crowd returned to God. (24) A church with God's grace. We became one through goodness and faith filled with the Holy Spirit. It was an iron barrier where we could not eat, talk, or sit together. It was a church where the barriers between Jews and Gentiles were broken down by the love of Jesus. It was a church that was free from racism, local colors, and the rich and poor. It was a church that worked hard to keep the unity of the Spirit.