Title: Salvation by Faith/Ephesians 2
Salvation by faith
Ephesians 2
1. The saving grace of Christ (1-10)
① The Essential Circumstances of Man
(1) The essential state of man is that he died in sins and trespasses. (1) Transgression is self-inflicted sin and a violation of the law. Transgression and sin brought the destruction of relationship with God and brought eternal death to Inha.
(2) The state of man dead in trespasses and sins is the state of slavery. Slavery literally means slavery of Satan who has seized the power of the air in a state of bondage without freedom, and it means the fleshly nature of human beings who follow the world's trends according to their lusts.
⑶ Humans are those who have been condemned by God. (3) Therefore, they are the object of God's wrath.
② God's mercy (4-9)
God showed abundant grace of mercy until He sent Himself and Christ, who is the real body, as the atoning lamb for the cross. Thus, men who died spiritually were raised with him through faith in Christ. Man was given new life by the grace of God. The important thing here is that God did it. Human will or merit plays no part in the event of salvation. Being saved through faith alone and becoming a child of God is entirely a gift from God.
③ Christian Responsibility
The purpose of God's salvation for humans is to make them praise God's goodness and mercy for ever and ever, and to reveal the greatness of God's power before all beings. He also called us to live worthy of the kingdom of God. Therefore, until the Lord arrives, we must live a life worthy of our calling as a servant of peace.
2. Results of the work of redemption (11-22)
① Alienated Humanity (11-12)
The redemptive work of Christ consequently resolved the double alienation. It is the resolution of “alienation from God” and “alienation between humans”. In particular, the example of the Gentiles and Israel speaks of human alienation. The Gentiles were uncircumcised and alienated from God's blessing. As the people were excluded from the promise, there was no hope for the Messiah.
② Christ's mediating reconciliation (13-18)
Christ abolished the law and broke down the barriers between men by dying on the cross for mankind in this hopeless and despairing world. In the blood of Jesus, the Gentiles and Israel were at peace. He also solved the alienation from God and opened the way for reconciliation with God.
③ God's New Community (19-22)
Now, through the redemption of Jesus, a new community of God has been created.
① Citizens of the Kingdom of God - Through the redemption of Jesus on the cross, Gentiles became citizens of the Kingdom of God and participated in the eternal inheritance.
② God's family - A more familiar word than citizens is family. that is family. They became one family through the followers of Jesus Christ.
③ The temple of God - Christ became the foundation of the church.