Title: Seek Me and You Will Live (2014.2.16)
Date: 2014.2.16
Word: Amos 5:4-6
Title: Seek Me and You Will Live
Each person has a different place to find when they are having a hard time, and there is a place to go to when faced with a difficult situation. As I said before, there are three ways for the saints to live. The way back to God, the way back to the Word, and the way to pray. Doing so is of no use. If you ask what is the strongest desire of a person, it goes without saying that it is the desire for life. Conversely, if you ask what people fear the most, it will be death. Therefore, humans are vicious enough to choose any means to live. In 2 Kings 6, when Ben-hadad, king of Syria, besieged the city of Samaria, the story that women who starved to death in the city took turns boiling and eating their sons is unbelievably shocking. This is a passage that shows how intense this is. Then where can we find the true way to live? We want to find it in the Bible, which is the source of all problems.
First, “Seek me, and you will live” (Psalm 34:10) A young lion may be in need and hunger, but he who seeks the Lord will not lack for every good thing. It's a blessing.
Second, "If we stand firm in the Lord, we will live" (1 Thessalonians 3:8) Therefore, if you stand firm in the Lord, we will now live.
Third, “Do this, and you will live.” (Luke 10:28) Jesus said to him, “You have answered correctly. Do this, and you will live.” No matter how many wonderful lessons and truths you have learned, if you do not do them, they are of no use. The secret to being blessed is, “If you listen carefully to the word of the Lord your God and keep it and do it, he will set you above all the nations of the world.” James also rebuked faith without works as dead faith. You will find the true way to live, and remember that the way of life is given when you and your people sincerely seek God.