Title: Sending a Son
sending your son
I. Background of the text
II. Sending the Son - Let's look at three reasons why God sent His only begotten Son into this world.
A. To save life (verse 9)
First, to save people. This means that we were all dead. We often say that ‘living is not like living’ is because living and breathing are not everything. Knowing the reason and purpose of our life, and living with the power to live that way, it is because we are truly living. Not all things were created without purpose. How much less could God, who created man with the ability to create things, have created man without purpose and intention. Therefore, it is clear that the Lord is pleased and loves those who live in accordance with God's intentions and purposes, and on the contrary, he hates and hates those who live contrary to God's will. ‘Living like a truly human being’ has been a problem that has always been thought about and pondered since the creation of mankind. Human life is not all about eating and sleeping, and we have been constantly searching for the truth that will help us enter eternal life even if we live for a while in a finite world.
So God sent Jesus, who is the truth, down into this world. Even if they are not very intelligent, all who rejoice in Jesus with childlike faith can know the truth and enjoy life through the truth. They devoted their lives to the truth. However, even believers in the church cannot fully enjoy the life of Jesus even though they know Jesus who is the truth, because the truth is not witnessed in their lives. A devotee of truth bears not only a desire to know what truth is, but also a practical commitment to living the truth and conforming oneself to it. With this truth we enjoy freedom.
Christianity is the only truth and true religion in the world. However, because they do not acknowledge this and do not worship God, the lives of unbelievers are tired and restless. What should be given to the world is not a meal, but to help God's work and teach the true truth. Jesus came to this world so that people can live like real people.
B. Reconciliation (v. 10)
The “reconciliation sacrifice” is one of the most significant sacrifices in Israel. The reconciliation offering is to accept the dissension and ambivalence between God and the sacrificer as the responsibility of the sacrificer, ask for forgiveness, and restore the unity of love by communicating passionate love between God and people again. We must not forget that God's reconciliation with the saints of this world is based on the mediator sacrifice of Jesus Christ. God's children who know the love of the Lord's fellowship offering have a life to live according to God's calling. With the love they received, they serve unbelievers without name and without light, leading them to the path of salvation.
Love makes it impossible to see the faults of the one you love. So, how difficult it is to discover one's own faults. Even if I find faults, I will be on my side. The believer's self-love puts his soul to death. When we love Jesus, who is the life, we can see ourselves objectively, realize our faults, and try to throw it away. In order to serve us and save us without a name and without light, the baby Jesus came as a human to a manger two thousand years ago. We believers, who have received His overflowing love, must now follow His example to serve others and lead the poor to God, to the truth that true people should seek, and to Jesus who is life. That is why God puts us into the world.
C. To make love (v. 11)
Third, to love and live. Although there have been many worries and worries during the year, if we only loved the Lord and not ourselves, if we had kept our beautiful souls, our lives would have been really different. However, we are not destined to be bound by failure, so we can lay down the past year in front of the cross and welcome the new year. Let's remember the amazing love of the fellowship offering from Jesus, forgive and embrace others. You have to work hard to love more. This is because there is nothing that will not fall and will not be humbled in front of the love of Jesus. I hope that you will become believers who have Jesus on the throne of your heart and love and serve each other more. 2005-12-25