Title: Serve You too / Matthew 7:12
Content If you ask the members what service is, they will usually answer “I” work for God and the church, spending time and money. This is a 50 point answer. So what is service? Service is like a child who gave five bowls to Jesus, like Dorcas who made clothes for his neighbors, and the “Lord” works by putting all of me into it. Therefore, where there is the service of the saints, human pride disappears, the glory of the Lord is revealed, and not only me but also my neighbors benefit.
Therefore, let's become saints who not only serve God but also serve people by learning about biblical service.
First, service is a character
Those who have the heart of Jesus serve only the Lord. Problems arise while volunteering, and complaints and complaints may arise. It is because they do not look only at the Lord, compare themselves with others, and have Jesus in their hearts, but rather because they are full of many things, worries and worries. We compare Mary and Martha in the Bible. The name Martha means "mistress". In the church today, there are people who act as they please in the name of service because the master of service has become 'I'. Then you end up hurting others. However, in order to accomplish God's will and serve people, Jesus was beaten and taken up on the cross even though there was nothing wrong with it, and he was silent without complaining. “He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; like a lamb to the slaughter, and a sheep silent before its shearers, so he did not open his mouth” (Isaiah 53:7).
Second, service is rewarding.
Obesity and geriatric diseases are increasing today, and obesity and geriatric diseases of faith are also increasing in the church. They are stingy in their service to God and men, or they like to brag about their service and condemn others. Since service is the duty of the saints, there is no need for a reward from God (Luke 17:10). However, through the training of service, God grows our faith, gives us joy in life, and allows our descendants to receive abundant blessings (Psalm 37:26).
Also, the crown of heaven is reserved for those who have worked hard. Human relationships in this age are based on one's own interests. But Jesus commands us to serve the poor, orphans, widows, and the disabled without expecting anything in return (Luke 14:13-14). In this way, the service you do to the little and weak will be done to the Lord (Matthew 25:40). When we serve the weak in society and do our best to serve, God is pleased and repays us with a crown of heaven. The Lord Himself said, “Therefore, whatever you would like others to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 7:12).
Third, service is peace.
The service of Jesus who sacrificed for mankind fulfilled shalom. As the first Adam sinned, quarrels and strife between brothers have not ceased throughout human history, and wars are continuing between nations and nations. However, Jesus, the last Adam, forsook the heavenly throne and came to earth as a servant. “For the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). ).
Also, when we put the towel that Jesus put around our waist, peace comes. In this era, wherever we go, we fight each other for being good to each other, and we do not hesitate to deceive and frame our colleagues in order to improve each other. But Jesus became a slave and put a towel around his waist and washed the disciples' feet. At the time of Jesus, towels were recognized as essentials of a servant, and the person wearing the towel meant the lowest class. If the cross is a sign of submission, the towel is a sign of service. Jesus set the example of serving the soul and tells us to be servants to men. “I set an example that you should do as I have done for you” (John 13:15).
Fourth, service is the fruit of faith.
A small service bears more precious "fruit of soul salvation" than under the world. People don't like going to church not because they don't like Jesus or the Bible, but because of "people" who say they go to church but don't live by the word. What people expect of the church or the saints is the image of Jesus. Every word we say, a little kindness, and a kind expression on our faces can lead a soul into a church or distance it from it. No matter how small or insignificant it may be, if you serve the Lord as if you were treating them, you can bear the fruits of soul salvation (Colossians 3:23).
When you give the most precious thing, you can produce the best fruit. What is the most precious thing we can give our neighbors? Like Peter who raised the crippled door of the temple gate, we must give “Jesus” to our neighbors. “Silver and gold I have none, but what I have I give I give to you, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk” (Acts 3:6). No one is more precious than Jesus. However, we spend time, money, and devotion while claiming to be helping our poor neighbors, but we do not preach the gospel. Just as Paul gave birth to and raised Timothy in faith, when we share Jesus with our neighbors, we can bear much of the best fruit, the spiritual Timothy.
There are three major commands that the Lord gives to the saints in the last days. That is, "Be sober and sober and pray," "Love one another earnestly," and "Serve one another." After all of us have gained the assurance of salvation, let's be baptized with the Holy Spirit and be filled with the Holy Spirit and practice God's Word every day, so that we can become people of God who enjoy the blessings of heaven and earth.
- Prayer -
Heavenly Father, help me not only to receive service and to be treated, but also to serve me and to become the saints who serve me. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.