Title: Service and example (Phil 02:1-11)
Let's try to remember once again what we studied last week.
How can we have the true meaning of our life? (When we live for Christ in our relationship with Christ.)
Then, specifically, what it means to live a life for Christ in Christ Come to me and learn me. (Matthew 11:29) What does Jesus' words mean? Today, we are going to study these issues.
First, read Philippians 2:1-11 (have students read it). Let's understand the words of the Bible in the text. And let's present the meaning we understand each other. If we decompose this text, the entire Philippians chapter 2 is an exhortation on the church life. Among them, verses 1-4 exhorts us to become one, and verses 5-11 teach us to live like Christ, who came to become one.
1. Servant of Suffering (Isaiah 53)
Let's read again Isaiah 52:13-53:9.
The suffering servant shown here is so similar to the suffering suffered by Christ, so many scholars say that this suffering servant prophesied of Christ.
In the text Philippians 2:6-8, it is said that although Jesus is the person of God (meaning the 3 person 1 body), he gave up his equality with God and took the form of a servant and became a man. So, he humbled himself and obeyed God even to the point of dying on a cross, saving all mankind and serving them.
In other words, Christ came to this earth to serve all mankind, that is, himself. Let's read Matthew 20:28. The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. I think these words express the true meaning of Christ's service.
2. Humble Service
There are many Bible lessons about service. In verses 3-4 of today's text, in humility, consider others better than yourself. Don't each take care of your own business, but take care of each other's business as well. Jesus himself washed the feet of his disciples to teach them love and service.
However, the service the Bible teaches is always accompanied by the adjective of being humble. This is meant to imitate the spirit of service of Christ.
Consider the well-known Dr. Albert Schweitzer. He is a man who truly humbly followed the teachings of Christ. Not boasting of his numerous degrees, nor comfort for himself, but suffering, suffering, and criticism, he became a saint in the jungle.
However, we must always be careful about service to avoid the urge to brag to others and intentional service that must be rewarded. Of course, this service cannot be called service. However, there are many people today who mistake this service for service. So Jesus said, don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. I don't know if you did As we imitate the humility of Christ, the way becomes a way to share in the honor of Jesus.
3. Path of Service
Let's read today's key verse, verse 8. He humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, that is, he died on the cross. In fact, Jesus came to this earth for all mankind and He did everything. He did not hesitate to die if it was the way to save people.
It is through the death of Christ that we have life. In that sense, the focus of our life is on Christ. Christ asks us to serve our neighbor (Luke 9:37). Therefore, our students will have a job in the future. As for the field of specialization you need to do, you will have to choose a job that can serve your neighbors like this.
I need to let go of the idea that I can only live well. However, it is not clear that there is a specific set of work that only volunteers can do. As long as it is not harming other people, I do my best at the task given to me, and the work does not work for my own benefit. The path of service begins when I have an attitude of working for the benefit of others.
In 1 Corinthians 10:33 Paul says that I try to please everyone in everything I do. I do not seek my own benefit, but seek the benefit of many people...
We must understand the meaning of Christ's sufferings well, understand others with humility, and serve others with humility. Today's era is so selfish. We Christians should enter this world and show true love of service.
Before the vague thought that I must do that in the future, it is from the closest time, the closest place, and the closest person to whom I live. Christ was obedient to the point of death and loved us.