Title: Simon of Cyrene / Luke 23:26-31
Jesus is tried by Pilate and crucified at Golgotha
A large crowd was following them as they were being led toward the hill. Jesus is
He went down the road to Golgotha while carrying a heavy cross and falling.
But in Cyrene, which was following Jesus as he went on the cross,
The Roman soldiers arrested a man named Simon who had come and put Jesus on the cross.
made me follow
Every Passion Week, I can't forget the name Simon Cyrene.
The glory of being able to carry the cross of Jesus in our place is too great a spirit.
I thought it was light. Because he was a partaker of Jesus' last Passion.
Because the facts are so impressive and moving. The Apostle Paul said, "The man of Jesus
will fill my body with the traces of suffering.” In addition, Jesus said, “The cross
Anyone who does not follow Me cannot be my disciple.”
So, how can we participate in the sufferings of Christ? Simon of Cyrene
In some cases, because they followed Jesus closely, they carried the cross of Jesus instead.
could participate in glory.
In addition, Simon of Cyrene is the father of Alexander and Rufus (Mark 15:21),
According to Matthew 16:13, his family received Jesus as their Savior early.
Simon's wife had a strong faith and assumed the role of the Apostle Paul's mother.
Appears as a victimized woman.
It was a cross that was forcibly taken up, but God gave the blessing of faith to his family.
we will have to remember
We have to think about it in the reality of our faith today. how much are we
I have to think deeply about whether I am following the Lord closely. Jesus
Simon of Cyrene, who was following the very same person who was carrying the cross, saw the suffering of Jesus.
was able to participate in Let's bear the cross that we bear forcibly
In today's world of indolence, skepticism and secular waves
We should reflect on how closely we are following the Lord.