Title: Special Disciples with Spiritual Experience
Special disciples who have spiritual experience
(Mt 17:1-8)
There were various groups around Jesus. ‘A great crowd’, ‘more than 500 brothers’, ‘120 disciples’, ‘70 disciples’, ‘12 apostles’, ‘Peter, James and John’. Jesus specifically placed “Peter and James John” at the center of his followers. And specially trained them. They participated in the field of special miracles and grace. (Mark 1:29-30, Mark 5:37, Matthew 26:36-37) Especially in today's text, the Lord is with them and is giving them special training.
Special disciples who have a mysterious spiritual experience (verses 1-3)
1) Jesus takes them to a high mountain and is transformed in front of them, so that their faces shine like the sun and their clothes become white as light, and they have a mystical spiritual experience. Now, Jesus is showing the three disciples the image of Jesus they will see in heaven. Jesus is showing us what he looked like before he became a human. This is more clearly recorded in Revelation 1:13-16.
2) And it shows Moses and Elijah talking to Jesus. This is the kingdom of God experienced in this world. The three disciples saw Moses and Elijah talking to the Lord in the kingdom of God. We must live in the world and experience the kingdom of God. Because just looking at this world doesn't make you feel alive. In a world full of hatred, envy, and the shadows of death such as lies and murder, if we want to live a life of hope, we must experience and experience heaven...