Title: Special Special 17th (Caleb)
Bible Characters - Caleb
Looking at the figure of Caleb, he is a representative figure that shows how a person should spend his last years. Caleb devoted himself to God in his forties.
It is easy to serve an older person when a person is devoted, but it is not easy to serve a person of his age. Joshua is a friend. is a colleague But Joshua became the leader, and Caleb became his servant. But until now, this scene never appears. And in today's text, we see that Caleb has become a thorough servant of Joshua.
Who can best support Joshua? it's caleb Even though there were forces opposing Joshua, he was always silent and obedient.
Caleb lived with a promise in his heart until he was 85 years old. have been patient Do you have God's promises even in the midst of hardship? And can you keep it in silence until the end? If you can only grow old like that, can you grow old without changing? Can we move towards maturity rather than degeneration? That was Caleb's faith.
Even 40 years later, they still had the same beliefs. If we still have promises, we have dreams, and God lives, we can live like this. If the mind is dead, it is already dead.
A story about a man in his 50s appeared on TV last time. He was a civil servant. However, the family was in a mess to pay off the debt after taking a friend's guarantee. Young, healthy, capable of anything, but his heart was dead. Hope is dead. So the family died. It was not a living thing.
The hope of the world makes you stand up for a moment. But the faith God gives us makes us dream even when we are gray. A person who dreams is a person who lives happily.