Title: Stephen the Martyr
martyr stephen
Acts 7 54-60
The preacher Spurgeon, along with his wife, suffered from various diseases. With Spurgeon, who lives while taking care of his wife who is always bedridden, everyone thought that he would send his wife to heaven first. However, Spurgeon died first at the age of still in his early fifties.
The last words of the great preacher as he left this world holding the hand of his beloved wife touch our hearts. And his will shows what the end is like for a person who accepts the very goodness of God as the purpose of his life. A man of God who has lived his whole life with the gospel said this.
"Honey, I have had such a happy time with a good God."
Dear saints,
Stephen, who appears in today's text, preached the word of God while being judged before the Sadducees, Pharisees, elders, and priests under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, not his own words or thoughts.
If we are in this situation, we will try hard to defend ourselves and win this trial and get rid of our sins.
But look at Stephen. During the trial, he used the time to defend himself and preached a sermon by quoting Abraham, Joseph, and Moses from the Old Testament. Instead of arguing, we preach the word of God and conclude in verse 51.
Hearing these stories, they were very shocked.
The words of the Old Testament preached to them were the right words for them. It must have been a big shock.
Perhaps they heard the voice of the Holy Spirit. It must have felt like a dagger pierced their conscience.
Their appearance is recorded in verse 54.
However, the voice of the Holy Spirit must lead to repentance.
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Dear saints,
Everyone makes mistakes. Perhaps there is no one in this world who does not make mistakes, even the most perfectionist. No one wants to make mistakes. That's what happens when you're working. But it is very offensive to point it out, to warn me not to make a mistake, or to say it.
I get angry when others point it out. It is said.
That's right. That's human. It is the same mistake, but if you realize it, you will cry and become a blessing. So I testify later. But when other people talk about it, it turns into anger and hatred.
It is a common phenomenon to listen to what other people say with emotions while saying that you do what you do with the voice of the Holy Spirit and receive answers in prayer.
There are two kinds of people when criticized. (1) A humble and meek person, this person admits, admits, and repents of his mistakes.
(2) A arrogant and deceitful person refutes the other person by making excuses rather than admitting their mistakes.
Is there anyone who can't shake the dust? So are you clean? Why scrape and crumble?
Greetings. Now, let's be honest, honest, Christians who admit their mistakes.
If our conscience is pricked, admit it and repent. If you have truly heard the voice of the Holy Spirit, I hope that you will become the owner of faith who humbly practices it.
Look at Stephen's reaction in front of angry people. Verses 55-56
Stephen's first reaction (1) was the filling of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit resides in all Christians.
Those of you who have learned one-on-one know this. 1 Corinthians 12:3
To be filled with the Holy Spirit means to be controlled or controlled by the Holy Spirit.
Stephen is now under the control of the Holy Spirit, under the control of the Holy Spirit. For those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit in this way, circumstances are not very important.
Good or bad circumstances, failure or success, healthy or ill, it doesn't matter.
However, unless you are under the control of the Holy Spirit, it depends on your circumstances.
And being filled with the Holy Spirit means that the Holy Spirit has the power in it. Look at John 14:17.
Some people are full of self instead of being filled with the Holy Spirit. One's way, one's thoughts, one's experience are more important.