Title: Strengthen Your Heart (Joshua 01:5-9)
Contents The article in this text is a word of comfort and counsel from God to Joshua in the face of difficulties in conquest. Joshua became a big responsibility as a leader because of the things that were difficult for a human being to handle, namely, Jericho was like an iron wall in front of him, and enemies suddenly appeared around him. At this time, God told Joshua to be strong and courageous.
1. Because God does not forsake Joshua and does not leave (verse 5), when people have difficulties, they think that God has abandoned them and lose their strength. But God draws closer to His people in trouble. When a believer is having a hard time (1) he should know that it is an opportunity to meet God.
(2) It must be remembered that faith goes up by one count.
(3) We must know that it is the time when God's miracles appear once and we receive blessings. Believers should not become discouraged during difficult times, but believe that God is with them and strengthen their hearts.
2. Because he will give you the land you promised to give (verse 6).
The Israelites in Joshua's time were going to Canaanite welfare by faith. This Canaanite welfare is discouraged because it cannot be achieved by human means or efforts. But in the text, Joshua had no choice but to believe the words that Joshua said, "I will give him the land he swore to his father." Just as human strength cannot make the fortress fall apart. So Joshua was hoping that God's work would be revealed by believing the word of God. Today, even a believer cannot go to heaven by human means or by effort. It is incomprehensible and unbelievable to the human mind. However, it is a place to go by believing the word of God's promise Trust Jesus and believe what He said.
(John 14:6). Believe in God's promises and be courageous.
3. He told us to take courage because the way is made smooth (verse 8).
Joshua was the first way to go to the land of Canaan, and he did not know what difficulties he would face because he did not know this way well, so he had no choice but to live according to the word of the Lord. He said that if we live according to the Lord's word, we will prosper, so we need to be bold. We don't know the way forward in our lives. Since we do not know what will happen, believers should only live according to the word of the Lord and have no choice but to entrust everything to the Lord and live. Because the word of the Lord is truth (John 14:6), a lamp to the feet and a light (Psalm 119:105), God's ways are better than mine (Isaiah 55:8-9). Because the Lord's way is the way of life and the perfect way (Matthew 7:13-14), and the word of God is the prosperous way (Joshua 1:8), we must trust in the Lord and be bold.