Title: Temple/Ephesians 2:20-22
Temple/Ephesians 2:20-22
You are built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the cornerstone.
In him every building is joined together to become a temple in the Lord, and you too
being built together in Jesus to be a dwelling place for God in the Spirit (Eph.
There are many buildings, buildings, houses being built in the world. But today we call the temple
come to a place When I say temple, it means a holy temple, a separate house. Us
Why is this place a temple? What sets it apart from so many other buildings in the world?
There are three things in today's sermon. First, because it is where God's people are. one
This is where your family gathers. This is where the citizens of heaven come. God's hand here
It is called the temple because there are people who are inside, citizens of heaven, and those who have been saved.
And the temple is a place where God resides. The tabernacle in the Old Testament
A place means a place to meet with God. After Solomon built the temple,
prayed earnestly for The prayer is described in a very interesting way. create the universe
Where will God not be? Of course, God transcends space and time.
is a person But God hears our prayers in the temple. this temple
This is a special place where we, God's people, God's children, come and visit. only God
where i am It is the dwelling place of God.
The Bible says that 'Jesus Christ has become the cornerstone'. build a temple
Placing corner stones on enemies is really important. The church has Jesus as the cornerstone.
The corner stones are laid and the stones are built in contact with each other. Jesus became the headstone, and Jesus
It means that you have become the foundation stone. The head of the church is Jesus. church of the world
It is different from other buildings. Jesus is the headstone, Jesus is the cornerstone, and we believe
is a temple because it was built in contact with all the saints of God.
This holy temple set apart by God is where God's household is gathered. God
It is your dwelling place. It is a place that is being built in contact with Jesus Christ as the cornerstone.
So this is the temple. However, if this is actually going to be a temple, it must be a castle.
It is within the spirit. It is done through the work of the Holy Spirit.
Just because a church is established doesn't mean it becomes a church. The Spirit of God at this time today
It is through communion with us. The Holy Spirit that came upon Mark's upper room on the day of Pentecost
Because history is with us, it becomes a set apart and holy house. This is evidenced by church historian
is to do Even the emptying of many Western churches today is that the fire of the Holy Spirit is gradually extinguished.
because it goes The church is a temple in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
Because the church is filled with the Holy Spirit, it becomes a vital and powerful church. many people today
We're talking about this church. But we are the most essential element of the church.
is often forgotten. The church must be filled with the Holy Spirit. Saints are filled with the Holy Spirit
it will be Otherwise, the church today will have no choice but to lose its strength. Church is the Holy Spirit
When it is full, it becomes a nesting place for both sparrows and swallows (Psalm 84:3). really this bad
You can rest in one world. A place like that where you find a spring in the desert is the church.
When the church is the church, it changes the world. You will have the true ability to serve society.
is. And we are blessed in the temple. The psalm says, 'I will rub in the house of God.
It is said that it is better to live one day in a crossroads than to live a thousand days anywhere in the world.”
(Psalm 84:10).