Title: Ten Thousand Talents
The difference in the grace that the saints received from the Lord...
It can be said that it is to realize how great a sinner is
In today's Bible, the person who was forgiven the debt of 'ten thousand talents'
Have mercy on those who owe you only a hundred denarii
It is written that they did not give him, but arrested him and put him in prison.
It's like a person who has been forgiven for 'murder'
It's like not being able to forgive someone who has harmed you with very little substance.
We too, like that person, were forgiven for our sins of 'ten thousand talents..' by the Lord.
It is true that in life, I am not very proud of this situation.
The problem is... God in the last days,
It means that the amount of debt we owe is settled by living on this earth.
"Therefore the kingdom of heaven is like a king who tried to settle accounts with his servants..." {18: 23 }
Judging from the above, the words... In the book of life in heaven, under each name, the Lord
For the forgiven debt, we will have a detailed 'repayment history'.
Of course, the method of settlement is.. How much effort did I make to live according to God's Word?
You will be asked if I have lived by forgiving those around me, those who have committed little sins against me.
We owe the ten thousand talents that God forgave us,
If you calculate it at the current exchange rate, it will be about 'one trillion, 800 billion'.
Everyone, how much have you paid off out of your 'ten thousand talents' debt?
"I hope you live a merciful life..." You have to learn how to live in heaven on this earth.
Because we cannot know the day of settlement with God.. the time and the poem at all.
Furthermore, this debt, which no one in this world can know, only God and I know
My conscience settles with God
Debt to the Lord... Debt to our souls,
Because it is a debt of sin, it cannot be repaid with worldly things and material things.
“Will the LORD take pleasure in oil like a thousand rams or ten thousand rivers?
Shall I give my firstborn son for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
O man, the Lord has shown you what is good
The only thing the LORD asks of you is to do justice,
Do you not love mercy and walk humbly with your God?" {Mic 6:7-8}
Yes. The debtor is always humble.
The person who realizes that he has been forgiven the many 'debts and sins...' that he has no way of repaying for the rest of his life
It is to prepare for the day of settlement with God and to wish to live for the Lord with gratitude always.
Such a 'dedicated life...'
It is impossible without the thorough self-sacrifice that the Lord has shown us.
“And if anyone forces you to go a duck, you must walk two miles.
Give to him who asks of you, and do not refuse from him who wants to borrow from you." {Matthew 5:41-42}
A company is its own
How can a church become a corporation when it is an organization that counts?
It is natural to become like the world...
In addition, those who use the Gospel as a material for their own profit
In the last days, you will be greatly rebuked by the Lord, and you will be turned away from you.
The church cannot carry out the 'mission of light' with this vision.
This is a time when the church is being condemned by the world.
At this time when a new religious reform is needed, always, for ten thousand talents
With the heart of a debtor, I pray that you and I will sow seeds with tears.
“I am indebted to both Greeks and barbarians, both wise and foolish.” (Romans 1:14)