Title: Thanksgiving of Jesus (Matthew 11:25-27)
Content br> 1) “At that time,” Jesus answered and said,
- Meaning that he answered and spoke: that he did not speak in secret, privately, but publicly
2) The Son's Call to the Father: "Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth"
- Meaning: Father, the owner of heaven and earth: God the Father is the owner of heaven and earth
sour. Absolute Sovereign of Heaven and Earth, and of Everything in It - Creator and Maintainer
3) Audit contents
- "Thanks to God's absolute sovereign providence concerning the revelation of the gospel" - Gratitude and full consent to God's providence and the Father's will (verse 26), not mere thanksgiving.
* The specific content of the absolute sovereign providence regarding the revelation of the gospel of God is
First, those who are wise and prudent (not knowledgeable, powerful, and smart people)
Concealment from them - These are the wise and prudent themselves (self-proclaimed wise
Those who are, refer to those who are proud
"As for God's wisdom, the world did not know God by its own wisdom.
because of it" (1 Corinthians 1:2)
“The foolishness of God is wiser than men” (1 Corinthians 1:25).
“The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God, as it is written, Let the wise
It is said that he leads them into their own deceit, and the Lord is wise.
They know their thoughts as vain” (1 Corinthians 3:19-20).
* What did you hide from them?
"This": Gospel truths about Jesus and salvation - the truth of atonement through the Messiah of Jesus, to receive eternal life through faith in Jesus and repentance
Well, the power of salvation, His death, Resurrection, Second Coming, Reign... (Jesus and Eve
All truth about the kingdom of God)
Second, manifestation to little children: refers to people of humble heart, not of physical age or ability (spiritual).
* The difference between a proud person and a humble person
<A proud person>
1) Not conscious of God in all thoughts: Uncleanness of God (Psalm 10:4)
2) Repentance: Not knowing what they have done wrong or what evil they have done before God (Romans 3:23, 1 Corinthians 5:2)
3) Beat the righteous (Psalm 31:18)
<How does God think and deal with the proud?>
1) Severely pays for the sins of the proud (Psalm 31:23)
2) God resists the proud (James 4:6)
3) God opposes the proud (1 Peter 5:5)
4) Hiding Jesus and the truth of salvation (Matthew 11:25a)
5) The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are vain (1 Cor.
6) Humble (Proverbs 29:23)
7) Laughing at the scornful (Proverbs 3:34a)
“How do you treat a humble person?”
1) To gain honor (Proverbs 29:23b)
2) Salvation (Job 22:29)
3) Added joy (Isaiah 29:19)
4) Holding on (Psalm 147:6a)
5) Being together and renewing the soul (Isaiah 57:15)
6) Giving more grace (James 4:6b, 1 Peter 5:5b)
8) Hearing prayers (Psalm 10:17)
2. Revealing the secret of Jesus (Revelation) (27) -The secret of the Father and the Son
1) The divinity of Jesus - "My Father has given me all things (27a) -"
field" (27b) "No one knows the Son but the Father" - The Saint's Declaration
All of the Father: Authority, Sovereignty, Truth, and Power (John 5:21-29)
2) Those who know the Son: The Father (no one knows the Son except the Father) and the Son
Eternal Fellowship of the Trinity
3) Those who know the Father: Except for the Son and those who have received the revelation according to the wishes of the Son, the Father
no one knows
- Saints (those who receive revelation according to the wishes of the son (future type) - Receive the words of Jesus
Those who do (the enlightened ones), this is the privilege of those who will become saints.