Title: The anointing of oil
man since creation
We are to live under the guidance of the Spirit.
Whether you are guided by the Holy Spirit or guided by Satan...
In today's text
to preach the gospel to the poor
anoint me with oil
sent me to set the captives free
He wants to spread sight to the blind.
What is the anointing of oil?
1. It is entering into the presence of God.
When the Holy Spirit comes on anyone, they change.
2. There is historical evidence for the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
After Jesus ascended to heaven, 120 people gathered to pray.
Then the Holy Spirit came
He spoke in various languages and received great grace.
When Paul and Silas Sing and Pray
The prison door was opened,
It has an amazing history.
out of jealousy for David
King Saul tried to kill David.
David Flees Saul
I stayed at Ramanaioth where Samuel was.
Those who went to arrest David received favor
ㅡWhen there was the 1st, 2nd, 3rd anointing of God, I was changed.
Saul himself goes out to arrest David.
King Saul receives grace from the entrance of the village and praises God.
3. It is the result of the anointing.
when there is an anointing
he changes himself
Others make a difference too.
to realize the truth,
to unload,
liberty to the captives,
to give sight to the blind.
You will have an amazing history.
4. Longing for the anointing.
Mother swallows feed their young swallows with their mouths open.
1. He frees us from the spirit of Satan and gives us freedom.
2. Let them occupy the spiritual highlands.
3. You will feel the guidance of God and live.