Title: The Beautiful Minister/Mark 2:1-12
Subject: Beautiful Volunteer
Verse: Mark 2:1-12
Christianity is a working religion. It is a religion that teaches service.
There are now over 10 million Christians in Korea, and
We are accelerating overseas missions, and we are paying off the debt of the gospel.
However, on June 28, there was a problem with the mission to the Soviet Union,
The news that the notice had been sent was eventually sent abroad and working hard.
It was disastrous to not hear a good sound. work but be quiet
It is beautiful.
Rumors of a healer that Jesus performed spread quickly.
As a result, many people came, including the sick.
Four people carrying a paralyzed man through the roof to be healed
When he came down, Jesus saw their faith and healed the sick.
It's an incident.
It is a very difficult world to evangelize. It is difficult to find volunteers.
May we share grace through the beautiful service of the four people in the text.
First, they had faith.
Faith was united through service that human beings could not do.
You will learn that you have done what the Lord is pleased with.
Many people on the narrow road
They go to places they can't go
I did it honestly.
There are many saints in the church today, but how many people like the above are?
is there
I will have to include myself first. of faith who served silently
You have to look at yourself. Here's the real beauty.
Second, they were the owners of love.
They brought the sick to the Lord with faith, but
If my love had been lost along the way, I would not have been able to go to the end
will be
It is very important to say that not one person's heart has changed.
How much pain and suffering we live in today's reality
I live. That is, how much do you love and live?
Christianity teaches love, but you cannot be satisfied with its fruits.
It's an era.
Your friends have given up on themselves to save their loved ones.
In order to save one life, one must throw one's life away, but life is more important than the world.
because you are precious.
Third, he was the owner of a cooperative mind.
Even if you have faith and love, you have work to do alone and you need to cooperate
I have a job.
The cooperation of four has produced beautiful fruit, and one life is free from sickness.
Not only did I become a body, but I was blessed with the privilege of receiving the forgiveness of sins.
Even within the church, there are things to do alone and things to do together.
Pastoral work is not done alone, but depends on how much you cooperate with God.
Depending on how much you are on God's side, there is a key to revival.
will be When this is clearly established, the flock hears the voice of the shepherd.
will be It is on God's side that revival does not occur even after 10 or 20 years of ministry
I need to know that it's because it's not clear, but I have to cross myself
It is completely laid out in front of you.
In conclusion, we did our best to achieve our purpose.
The names of people who took their friends with them are nowhere in the Bible.
There is no doubt that he was a minister of faith. only one purpose
Because he served with grace, he did not need anything else.
The present age, when the price must be paid, can only be said to be happy.
The reason there is nothing is because the beauty of service is being lost.
Those who have been redeemed for the peace of Christ are called beautiful ministers.
You should get a reward.