Title: The birth of Antioch Church
Title: Birth of Antioch Church
Bible: Acts 11:19-26
2008.12. 14. Afternoon
1. The Passion of the Gospel of the Dispersed Saints
As the Jerusalem church suffered severe persecution, people with a passion for the gospel preached the gospel to Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch. Their footsteps are beautiful as they carry the gospel to escape persecution. How much evangelism are we doing? If it doesn't work here today, it's a pity that it will run there tomorrow. The church is built through passionate people. What is my passion?
2. Planting a Church in Antioch
Finally arrived in Antioch. Where is Antioch?
1) Meaning: chariot or warrior
2) Around 300 B.C., it was built by King Selgosnigadol of Syria and designated as a national road. At that time, it was the most splendid city in the world.
3) At the time of Jesus, it was the 3rd city of Rome, and when Stephen was martyred, the believers were scattered into four rooms and people who came from the opposite sex established the church.
4) At the time of the Apostle Paul, as the capital of Syria, one of the provinces of Rome, it was the second largest city in the Roman Empire after Rome and Alexandria. It was such a beautiful and splendid city that it was given the name 'Queen of the East'.
5) Around A.D. 110, Ignasius, famous as a disciple of John, was martyred after being loyal to the Gospel movement in the opposite sex for 40 years.
6) Now it is just a small town called Antakiya in Turkey.
3. The Gospel is preached even to the Gentiles.
At first, the church in Antioch preached the gospel only to Jews. Then, when the gospel was preached to the Greeks, they believed in Jesus and received the Holy Spirit, and many Gentiles also accepted Jesus and were saved.
4. Barnabas being sent
Upon hearing this news, the church in Jerusalem sent Barnabas to minister.
Barnabas - the humble. A good person, a person full of the Holy Spirit. Those who have a passion for the gospel.
5. Appointed Saul as a co-worker.
Barnabas found Saul, brought him back, and worked with him for a year. The church needs co-workers. Co-workers who can share their lives together. A co-worker who can share a will. Through them, God's great works can be accomplished.
6. Finally received the title of Christian.
A Christian those who professed Jesus as the Christ who have a godly life and the power to change society. A person who deserves respect from everyone.
Aren't I ashamed of being called a Christian?