Title: The birth of Jesus Christ (2011.12.25)
Date: December 25, 2011
Word: Matthew 1:18-25
Title: The Birth of Jesus Christ
Born according to the prophesied word
Genesis 3:15 I will make you hostile to the woman, and your descendants to her offspring and enemies.
Mary and Joseph were engaged, but before they lived together, Jesus, the second person of God, took on the form of a man, a creature.
Soon he came to this earth as a perfect man.
And he did not come as a healthy young man, but as the smallest child.
Husband Joseph's Pain and Anxiety
Even the righteous Joseph can't understand his wife's pregnancy, which causes great wounds and conflict. Anxiety and pain appear.
These concerns represent the conflicts and concerns of humans who do not understand the creator's divine power, omnipotence, omnipotence, omnipotence, and impossibility.
How can humans understand and believe in the conception of the Holy Spirit without the grace of God?!
At the end of the day, Joseph decided to break up his betrothal to Mary without telling him.
He couldn't afford to do any more great work.
Hearing Maria's passionate confession of tears, she had no choice but to fall into a deeper dilemma.
Joseph's Faith
His faith is a gift from God.
Through an angel of the Lord, God made Joseph believe this great fact. He learned the incomprehensible work of the Holy Spirit, that is, that God became a man, and received it by faith. Faith is a gift from God. It is the work of God's power regardless of whether we believe it or not, but God has given us faith as a gift.
The purpose of the birth of Jesus If we divide the purpose of all things in the universe in two, it is to glorify God the Creator, and it is God's love and peace on earth that leads mankind from darkness to light. Name his name Jesus. Only Jesus can save us from our sins. The only hope in hell and sin is Jesus. Call your name Immanuel. God is with us. The purpose of coming is to be with us. Not for a moment, but for eternity.