Title: The Conscience That Saves the Soul
title; Conscience that saves souls (Romans 9:1-3) 2011, 3, 6 (Sunday noon)
What is the essence of the misfortune brought about by the fall of man, created by the breath of God, created in his image, and so good in the sight of Almighty God? It is, above all, the corruption of man's conscience. Thus, following Satan's lies, they sin and do not hesitate to choose the path of curses and death, and they forsake God's blessings on their own. It has turned into a chair.
1. It must be restored to the conscience of God.
1) Why must we be restored to the conscience of God?
*Of course it should be restored. It is an absolute necessity. This is because it is the restoration of human nature, created in the image of God.
*It is because they are coming to find themselves who have been taken away by Satan. To be freed from the misery of the slavery of sin.
* This is to become a person who walks in the truth like a man of God. It is to become a victor with authority as a child of God. To become a person of heaven who lives with the Lord. To restore the mission to save the world.
2) How can we be restored to God's conscience?
* We must be freed from sin and death by believing in the Lord Jesus. We must be freed from Satan's slavery. The lusts of the flesh must die, and we must live by the desires of the Spirit.
* By reading, listening, meditating, and praying the Word of God, the Holy Spirit works to open your spiritual eyes to see God, to come to know yourself, to mourn and repent, and your sinful and corrupt conscience is transformed into the holy conscience of God.
* You can't do it on your own. It is only possible through the working of the Holy Spirit. It is possible only by the grace of the blood of Christ. It is possible only with Heavenly Father's answer. In other words, our conscience is restored to the conscience of God only through the work of the grace of the Holy Trinity.
* The more you follow the Spirit, the more you will be restored. The more you obey the word of truth, the more you will be restored. The more you deny yourself, take up your cross and follow the Lord, the more you will be restored. The more you live with the Lord, the more you will recover.
2. It must be restored to the conscience of the debtor.
1) Why should the conscience of the debtor be restored?
* A human being who fell from Eden trying to exalt himself. It is a human being deceived by Satan's deception and disobeying God. The soul is dead because of sin. He is a person who is trapped in despair that he cannot achieve salvation by himself. In this situation, since we have been saved only by the grace of God, we must restore our conscience to know ourselves as the debtor.
* We must restore the conscience of the debtor who is indebted to God because of his arrogant sin, who is indebted to himself who has fallen and corrupted by sin, and who has had the influence of sin rather than saving the world.
* What we owe because of sin, we must now pay it back with the grace of Christ. Therefore, the conscience of those who are obligated to pay the debt must be restored. Mission is not a luxury. It is to repay our debt to God and to people. Also, as a child of God, as a people of the kingdom of heaven, it is the proper way.
2) How can I repay it?
* To pay off debt is to fulfill God's will to save the world. It is to save the fallen world by sinning. People cannot pay for this on their own. We must repay it only by the grace of Christ.
* I must first desire to be full of the grace of Christ. To save our neighbors while always praying for complete salvation by the grace of the Lord is to pay off our debts.
* The Apostle Paul, who had the conscience of a debtor, confessed that he wanted his life even if he was cursed and cut off from God in order to save his people. The conscience must be alive. A person whose conscience is dead does not move.
Live your whole life with the conscience of the debtor! It is because there is a lot of work to be done in the world even after paying it back. There are too many debts to pay. We must always be awake in prayer. Always move our lives with the conscience of God the Holy Spirit, the conscience of the debtor, and the conscience of repaying the debt to the world with the conscience of Jesus who saved us!