Title: The Cross (Luke 23:47-49)
Contents 1. The soldiers saw a cruel criminal in Christ.
2. The women saw their protector with sorrow in Christ.
3. The mother saw her son in anguish in Christ.
4. The disciples saw despair and withered hope in Christ.
5. The first thief saw the wicked with his stubbornness in Christ. 6. The second thief saw the king of kings with penance in Christ.
7. The centurion saw divinity in Christ with a conviction of sin.
8. The priests saw the trickster as a mockery in Christ.
9. Angels saw love as a wonder in Christ.
10. The demons in Christ saw the seed of the woman with astonishment.
11. Jehovah saw obedience with affection in Christ.
12. Passers-by saw nothing with indifference in Christ.
power of the cross
1. The power of reconciliation to reconcile with God.. Ephesians 2:16
2. The power of distinction to set us apart from the world....
3. The power of protection from the flesh... Galatians 5:24
4. The power of glory to place on the throne of God... Philippians 2:9
5. The power of blotting to get rid of the chosen people of the law....Colossians 2:14 6. The power of holiness to break the habits of the old....Romans 6:6
7. The power of beings to forget who they are. Galatians 2:20
8. The power of discernment that inspires obedience.. Galatians 3:1
Wealth to us when we want to take up the cross
1. To be heard of insulting and unholy remarks... Matthew 27:39-40
2. Hearing the words of those who are not conscious of the gospel.... Matthew 27:41-43
3. Hearing accusations from unbelievers.............. Matthew 27:44
4. Occasionally you will hear the sound of applying a mistake .... Matthew 27:47
5. He also hears the ridicule of those who are filled with curiosity... Matthew 27:49
6. Sincere repentance and earnest cry to share in the gospel
There is also a sound..Luke 23:42
7. Surprised by the power of the cross, I heard a voice confessing the truth .. Matthew 27:54
scriptures about the cross
1. Why did Jesus carry the cross?
1 Peter 2:24 - to bear our sins
Ephesians 2:16 - To annihilate the enemy
Ephesians 2:17 - To give you peace
Colossians 1:20 - To be reconciled to God
Heb 10:22 - To draw near to God (Ephesians 2:18)
1 Timothy 2:6 - to give as a ransom for men
2. What shall we do about the cross?
Matthew 16:24 - You must take up your cross
1 Corinthians 1:23 - To preach Christ crucified
Romans 6:6 - The old man must be crucified
Galatians 3:1 - Light the cross
Galatians 5:24 - Passion and lust must be crucified
Galatians 6:14 - Boast only in the cross
3. What believers should be aware of about the cross of Jesus
Matthew 27:32 - Be careful not to be forced to take up the cross
1 Corinthians 1:17 - So that the cross is not in vain
1 Corinthians 1:18 - Don't be foolish about the cross
Philippians 3:18 - Beware of becoming enemies of the cross
Hebrews 6:6 so that Jesus will not be crucified again.
4. Consequences of those who take up the cross
Matthew 10:38 - Becoming worthy of Jesus
Romans 6:7 - Freed from sin and justified
1 Corinthians 1:18 - Salvation and power
Galatians 2:20 - Living in Christ
Col 2:15 - Victory
Name: William
No pain, no victory, no crown of thorns, no throne, no new wine
Without the cross, there is no glory, without the cross, there is no crown.
Name: Samuel Rutherford
Faith without the cross soon freezes.
Name: S. Rutherford - British theologian
For a bird, its wings are heavy, but because of it, it flies, and for a ship, its sails
Heavy but go for it. Believers believe that the cross is a burden, but that
It is to advance towards heaven. four