Title: The Divine Transaction/Luke 19:1~10
Contents The divine transaction/Luke 19:1~10
'Jesus said to them, Today salvation has come to this house, for this man is also a descendant of Abraham... ' (Luke 19:1-10)
The text points out two things to those who came to believe in Jesus. The term 'short' is a subjective problem with one's own shortcomings. The meaning of 'a lot of people' is an objective problem. He was unable to see Jesus because of the obstacles of those who believed in Jesus before him. This is why we are tempted and disappointed because of the short stature of our faith today and the failure of our predecessors to believe.
What was Zacchaeus' solution to this problem? He was a man of faith who did not give up and solved practical difficulties. He 'run forward' (active attempt), 'to see' (clear goal), 'climb the mulberry tree' (use help from the surroundings), and 'wait' (prepare and wait). It overcame two difficulties that were not there.
What was the spiritual transaction between Jesus and Zacchaeus? First, he sold himself and bought the Lord. Climbing the mulberry tree is a crippling of prestige, face and self-esteem. The Lord saw this and said, "Today I will stay at your house." Second, he gave the world and changed heaven. Third, I repented and was blessed. Zacchaeus says, "I will repay you four times the extortion." Through concrete and practical repentance, we became 'the descendants of Abraham'.
Let's see the crowd. They did not understand the beautiful meeting and spiritual transaction between Jesus and Zacchaeus. As a hindrance to the gospel, he was a proud man who slandered Jesus and condemned Zacchaeus. Dear brothers and sisters, let us not be the ones who stand in the way of Jesus.