Title: The Eucharist of Reconciliation and Peace
Contents Word: 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
Thoughts: St. Francis was walking with his disciples one day and met a poor man. Let's return our clothes to the disciples. This is what I borrowed until I met a poor man," he said, and tried to take off his clothes. At that time, a disciple dissuaded me, saying, “Teacher, if we do not wear clothes, our ministry will be hindered.” But Francis said, I would rather be a disciple of Jesus than a thief. In St. Francis' heart, everything belonged to God. I didn't have mine.
-Let it be a sacrament of reconciliation and peace! (verses 23-34): Then, what is the true meaning of the sacrament? The meaning of the bread and wine of the Lord's Supper, instituted by Christ, is expressed in flesh and blood that he gave his life for men. Whenever we celebrate the Lord's Supper, it is important to celebrate the Lord's death with our brothers (vv. 33-34b). In this way, the sacrament commemorating the death of the Lord should fully reveal the meaning of reconciliation and oneness with the members.
- What is our sacrament today? : What should we do to share the sacrament of reconciliation and peace in our workplaces and with our neighbors today? Whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes (verse 26). Then, wouldn't our sacrament naturally expand into a sacrament of reconciliation and peace in the field of life?
Actions: 1. Let's expand the meaning of the Lord's Supper in my workplace by sharing the gospel.