Title: The Gift of Wisdom / Ephesians 5:15
Introduction ; The gift of wisdom is the gift of revelation through the use of perception and can be thought of as an intellectual gift of the Word, like the gift of knowledge or the gift of discernment. Now, those who have the gift of wisdom to consider today are working spiritually, like scholars of biology or genetics, like medical students studying new prescriptions.
These charismatics are like doctors who diagnose a patient's disease and apply it as a medical remedy for that disease.
In the Holy Spirit this wisdom comes mainly from the Word, 1 Corinthians 12:8.
You can find many saints who have received the wisdom of the Word in the church. These are the saints who read the Word well, listen well, memorize it well, use the Word well and in the right place, and take the lead in serving.
1 Definition of the Gift of Wisdom
The source of this wisdom comes from God { Ex 31:3, Isaiah 11:2, Job 12:13 } Also from Jesus Christ. { Col 2:3 1 Corinthians 1:24}
Therefore, we can become spiritually wise by the fear of God {Job 28:28, Proverbs 9:10, 2 Timothy 3:15}
You can see that this wisdom is different from the wisdom of heaven {James 3:17} and the wisdom of the world {James 3:15}.
This wisdom is not by experience, but by commentary on the Bible. The first mention of this gift in 1 Corinthians 12:8---10 shows the very important value of the gift of wisdom in the life of the church.
Also in 1 Corinthians 14 we see that the gift of wisdom is of great value. Also in 1 Corinthians 14, the gift of wisdom is first mentioned. Among the characters of the Bible, we can find people who properly used the gift of wisdom.
# Joseph, a descendant of Abraham, the first patriarch of Israel, used it to interpret dreams.
# King Solomon, who inherited the 3rd dynasty of Israel, used it to rule the country,
# Ezra, who returned from the Babylonian captivity and built a wall, used it to teach the people the word.
# You can see what Peter, who was Jesus' chief disciple, and Paul, who was an apostle, used to testify of the gospel.
2 Characteristics of the gift of wisdom
This gift of wisdom should be used wisely for good and foolishly for evil. (Romans 16:19) For wisdom is better than gold. (Proverbs 3:14) Also, because our riches and riches and our longevity are all in wisdom (Proverbs 3:16).
If we look at the four roles of the gift of wisdom in detail,
1) Get a defense in court. (Matthew 10:19--20)
I told you not to worry about what to say. The Holy Spirit speaks wisely within us. The early church members who passed through the Day of Pentecost were filled with the Holy Spirit and used the gift of wisdom in front of the courts.
2) Answer the argument of unbelievers.
Jesus has always been harassed by religious enemies, and each time he used his gift of wisdom to escape the crisis. “Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and give to God the things that are God’s.” In front of the woman who committed adultery at the scene, he said, “Let him who is without sin cast a stone. He has also given us this wisdom.
3) The gift of wisdom to solve problems (1 Kings 3:16--28)
King Solomon's wise judgment is introduced. Solomon's wisdom at that time was the wisdom he obtained from offering a thousand burnt offerings. Even in the early church, seven deacons who were full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom were selected and entrusted with finances to do church work.
4) The gift of wisdom applied to the life of faith
Ephesians chapters 1 to 3 deal with the knowledge of salvation, and chapters 4 to 6 deal with the wisdom of husbands and wives, parents and children, the relationship between employers and employees, a life of joy and gratitude, and a life filled with the Holy Spirit.
3. The charismatic self-diagnosis
The Greek word for this gift of wisdom is sophia, which is interpreted as wisdom, knowledge, power, prudence, and revealed wisdom. If we summarize and define this gift, it is a gift given to the members of the body of the Lord as the Holy Spirit desires. The ability to quickly grasp the core of the problem with the insight of wisdom and to apply the knowledge learned in the Word to the church, so that all members can maintain peace. is.
1) Quickly grasp the core of the problem and intuitively solve the problem well.
(It is easy to feel the ability to immediately know the truth of his situation and to solve the problem.
2) When deciding on an important problem, he knows the outcome of the problem well and makes the decision clearly (I have the ability to clearly know the outcome of the problem even if other members encounter the problem and do not solve it.}
3) As we apply and practice the Word of the Bible well in our lives, we are actively supported by other members. (As I read and understand the Word a lot, I try to live according to the Word and receive recognition in the church.)
4) All problems will be solved if you apply and use the Bible well in the right place
(If you live according to the word, you will experience things that seem impossible to be solved miraculously.)
5) Wisdom was not received through experience or learning, but from God, and he uses this truth well. (Wisdom recognizes what God has given to him through a gift, and makes good use of this word of truth.)
4 Discernment of the Wisdom Gift
1) Gift of the Holy Spirit = You have the ability to grasp the core of a question and apply it with the insight of wisdom based on what the Holy Spirit does.
2) Human talent = It refers to the grace of knowledge learned from the world and the high intelligence received from the womb.
3) Satan's imitation = Inspired by Satan, he has great wisdom and causes many people to stumble and shrinks the kingdom of God.
conclusion ; Now, let's summarize today's sermon.
Such a gift of wisdom will bring amazing miracles to the growth of the church if you serve as an evangelist, planning, or public relations member in the church.
The more you learn, the more the level of the church will mature from the faith of a suckling child to the faith of a mature adult.