Title: The Good Fight for the Truth
Text: Matthew 10:34-39 (2 Timothy 4:1-8)
God is truth. Therefore, his words are also truth (John 17:17), Jesus Christ who became flesh is also truth (John 14:6), and the Holy Spirit who came in the name of Jesus is also the Spirit of truth (John 16:13).
To that end, I hope that the members of the Shepherd will be strong and courageous above all else. In Revelation 2:10 it says, "Do not be afraid of the sufferings that you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to bring some of you into trouble. But be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life." I believe that it is a message to not be afraid of persecution, to be prepared to die, to keep the purity of the faith, and to make any sacrifices to follow the word of truth. In 1 Kings 18, when the 850 prophets of Asherah, the prophet of Baal, and the prophet Elijah had a prayer confrontation on Mount Carmel, there was no one on the side of Elijah among the chosen Israelites. But how lonely and grievous Elijah was, how long would you rebuke him, saying, “How long will you hesitate between two things? Elijah was a zeal for God, especially among the indecisive people of Israel, so God used him preciously.
Those who shout jihad (temple)