Title: The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
Contents Among the many parables recorded in the Bible, the most well-known and most used parable is the parable of the prodigal son or the parable of the good Samaritan.
The motive for this parable started with the question of a certain lawyer who tempted Jesus and what must I do to inherit eternal life (Does Jesus teach more than the law, or what kind of salvation does Jesus teach by ignoring the law), loving God and neighbor? He told this parable in response to the lawyer's question who asked who my neighbor was, knowing that it was the great program of the law.
They limit their neighbors to those they need, namely blood, kinship, friends, and kin, so they do not treat others as neighbors and strangers as enemies. They thought it was lawful to hate their enemies, so the question of who is my neighbor, or how far should a neighbor be drawn? Jesus' answer to this question is this parable.
Note that Jesus is not teaching that the law must be obeyed perfectly in order to obtain eternal life, or that man can do it perfectly.
The fault lies not with the law, but with the people. Therefore, salvation by works of the law is impossible. But it is not that we overturn and abandon the law to save, but God saves us through the law as an instrument. My actions do not save me.
Here too, to love God and neighbor is to those who have eternal life. Actively love and delight in the law and practice it. (Lesson taught by James)
Neighbors are scope and everyone. How much hatred was the Jews against the Samaritans? Hearing such a Samaritan, Jesus asks who is the Jewish neighbor. The priest, including the Levite, answered himself. to be merciful.
Francis Bacon bee, ant and spider. People who should exist, people who have but are not free, people who shouldn't. This parable is interpreted most allegorically.
Wounded human beings are compared to the state of Adam after the Fall. Depravity of humanity, kneading, not completely dead, but suggesting the possibility of healing. It is not that the ability to do good has completely disappeared.
They also see the Samaritans as Christ. He anointed the wine with oil because He gave us the promise of repentance and grace. Also, Christ does not restore us right away, but sends us to a tavern, that is, a church to gradually recover our health. Jerusalem is the church, Jericho is the world, the robber is the devil, the inn is the church, and the two leptons are the Old and New Testaments.
Calvin said he was making up nonsense Anyone can understand that this thought is the manipulation of nagging people who are not in the heart of Christ.