Title: The Gospel to All Creation
Text: Mark 16:14-20
(Sunday Sermon on July 23, 2006 at Saegil Church)
In early June, I received a request from the editor of a magazine for a college student mission group my daughter attends to write an article titled 'Christian response to polarization'. I thought it was timely because there was a time when there were different interpretations about what kind of message the people delivered on the resolution of polarization in relation to the results of the 5.31 local election. While I was very busy, I did my best to write the manuscript. After the magazine was published, I was curious about the reaction of Christian college students, so I asked my daughter. Then my daughter said, "Yeah, I knew he wrote it all!" He said happily. It felt good to be here. The next word is the problem. “But Daddy, no one is reading!”
Of course, there are problems with my writing. However, I could not help but be concerned about the response of university students from the group, which is known to be relatively interested in social issues. Not only Christian college students, but most Korean Christians regard mission and social issues as separate issues. The Korean church is very passionate about world missions. According to the <Korea World Mission Council>, as of the end of 2005, the number of Korean missionaries sent overseas reached 14,012. It ranks second in the world after the United States. However, the only reason I cannot thank you is that my understanding of the mission of the Korean church is very narrow.
If this point cannot be overcome as soon as possible, there is no law prohibiting the Korean church from repeating the errors made in the name of mission by the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages and the Protestant Church after the Reformation in a similar form. It is now that the Korean church and Christians need to establish a correct understanding of mission. Therefore, I would like to take a good look at the overall meaning of mission that this text is trying to convey and reflect on it in our hearts. You have done well so far, but I hope that Saegil Church will play a more powerful and leading role so that the missionary activities of the Korean church can move in the right direction.
1. We must embrace the whole world as a place of service in our hearts.
The missionary mission that Jesus gave to all his disciples is to go all over the world and preach the gospel to all people. Therefore, first of all, we must broaden the horizons of our hearts and thoughts and live with the whole world in our hearts. God has given us such a vision since the first creation of man. “Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. subdue the earth” (Genesis 1:28). He gave the whole land a place of activity. Of course, there are some things to be very careful about. To conquer does not mean to rule through oppression and exploitation like a tyrant. As a steward on God's behalf, it means fulfilling your responsibility to care for and serve all creatures to their full potential. Therefore, we should not embrace the world in such a way that the United States, which is currently at the forefront of globalization, tries to pacify the world by force. I do not embrace the world to make the whole world revolve around me. Rather, it means a bold departure from self-centered thinking and living in order to care for and serve the world to be more beautiful and healthier as God intended it to be.
2. The Gospel is necessary for all creation.
Going one step further, nature is also a place that needs the Gospel. Paul lived with this feeling in his heart. He heard the groan of the natural world being misused and misused, not to exist for its original beautiful purpose. “We know that all creation has been groaning together and suffering the pain of childbirth together until now” (Romans 8:22). The Gospel is needed in Saemangeum. The gospel is needed in the fields of Pyeongtaek. I sincerely hope that you can always live without missing out on this point.
3. The gospel is the coming of the kingdom of God.
The heart of the gospel is well summarized in Jesus' own words. “The time has come. The kingdom of God has come near. Repent. Believe the gospel.” (Mark 1:15) The gospel means that the kingdom of God has come closer to us through Jesus so that we can see and touch it. Jesus showed what the content of the kingdom of God was through the Word, various ministries, and death and resurrection. The realization of God's rule is to liberate people from sin, disease and death, and to go one step further and liberate social elements from all oppression and exploitation, as clearly demonstrated in the temple cleansing event.