Title: The Greatest Discovery
Bible Text: Isaiah 6:1-13
greatest discovery
This chapter records an event in which Isaiah saw a vision that was the decisive step in his prophetic path. In other words, God is seated on the throne and the seraphs are praising God around them, but Isaiah found his filthy self among them and confessed that he was a sinner.
Here we learn that even though we are sinners, God first forgives our sins and purifies them, and then entrusts us with His work. Even today, when God selects His workers, we find that He first selects those who correctly recognize His position and entrusts His work to those who realize their sins and repent.
Great discoveries advance the world and contribute to making new history. These were Columbus's discovery of the Americas, Copernicus' heliocentric theory, Newton's universal gravitation, and Einstein's principle of relativity. Great discoveries like these are not reserved for great explorers or scientists. Each of us can live great lives through great discoveries.
The first thing to discover is God.
Isaiah saw the presence and glory of God while praying in the temple. Moses met God in the flames of a thorn bush on Mount Horeb. Paul met the resurrected Jesus on the road to Damascus. After meeting God, they all turned into great people. Pascal, a French philosopher and scientist, was originally an atheist, but he met God while reading a bible he received from an evangelist while he was sick. The first half of his ‘Pangse’ contains the misery of life without discovering God, and the second half contains the happiness of life after discovering God.
God opened Isaiah's spiritual eyes so that he could realize the state of the extrasensory with a realistic sense.
2 Kings 6:17 He prayed and said, "O LORD, open his eyes, so that he may see." The LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he saw that the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
The seraphs said, ‘Holy, holy, holy, is the whole earth, O LORD of hosts, full of His glory. praises it. They reciprocate and praise each other in praising God's holiness. The seraphs are driven by God's purpose for creation, whether they like it or not, because it is their unique mission to glorify God the Creator in heaven and on earth. This signifies each worship of the Triune God and also supports Isaiah's full calling from God here.
What happened to God's temple as the seraphs praised it? (Verse 4)
Due to the voice of the one who sang like this, the foundation of the threshold shook, and the house was filled with smoke. This represents the presence of God in the temple.
Exo 19:18 Mount Sinai was thick with smoke, for the LORD descended from it in the midst of fire, and its smoke rose like smoke from a furnace;
Exodus 20:18 And all the people saw thunders and lightnings, and the sound of trumpets, and the smoke of the mountain; and when they saw them, they trembled and stood afar off.
Revelation 15:8 The temple was filled with smoke because of the glory and power of God, and no one was able to enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were finished.
Our members should discover God's presence in the temple, feel the fullness of God's power, and give thanks with thanks.
Second, you have to discover yourself.
When man meets God, he sees himself and can be renewed. It was only when Isaiah saw the glory of God in the temple that he realized how unclean and sinful he was. Just as all objects reveal themselves in the presence of light, human beings can see themselves properly when they meet God.
Peter confessed this when he met Jesus on the Sea of Galilee. “Lord, leave me. I am a sinner.”
Isaiah said that after seeing the glory of God, he was destroyed because he cried out the King, the Lord of hosts, from the standpoint of a sinner with unclean lips. Even the heavens are unclean in the sight of God, and human beings who are not completely clean from sin cannot represent God who is absolutely holy.
Job 15:15 God does not believe in the holy ones; if even the heavens are unclean in His sight,
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
The distance between the Creator and creation was too far. The glory of God is so great that even the seraphs cannot bear without covering their faces, but the Prophet said that they were destroyed because they had unclean lips and lived with sinful people.
Today's saints must have the same attitude before God. Because God is holy, he is like a devouring fire to sinners. So, as sinners, we have to kill ourselves every day.
Isaiah 33:14 The sinners of Zion fear, and the ungodly tremble, saying, Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire, and which of us shall dwell with the burning forever?
9:27 I beat my body into subjection, lest after I preach to others, I myself will be rejected.
Galatians 5:24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
What happened to Isaiah when he found himself unclean? At that time, one of the seraphs flew over with charcoal from the altar with a flame and put it to his mouth and said, ‘This has touched your mouth, and your iniquity is taken away, and your sins are forgiven.
What we can see from purifying the mouth of an unclean prophet with charcoal is that the purification of unclean 'lips' comes only from God. The reason God cleansed the prophet is so that His grace toward him may be enlarged and extended, exalted to a higher and holy place, and then will have a greater impact on the people.
Even today, we can never be clean without the grace of God's forgiveness. The forgiveness of sins is possible only through the blood of Jesus Christ, and that is the love of God. Today, the Lord washed me clean with the blood of Jesus, just as I replaced Isaiah on my lips with charcoal and fire on my lips. Now my sins are forgiven. So what should I do?
The third thing we need to discover in life is our mission.
Isaiah knew how to live his life after meeting God. When he learned that God was looking for a worker, he said, “Here I am, send me. answered. Obedience to God's call was the first step of the great prophet.
What God wants to accomplish through me is called a mission. A person can live a great life only when he discovers his mission and lives for that mission. Isaiah makes clear the purpose of the vision in this verse. In other words, God created him anew, so that he could preach unbelievable words to the Jews.
It can be clearly seen that the subject who is called here is the Triune God. Because you use the plural of 'we' when you send out workers to work for you. Therefore, this is how God discusses the plan of redemption for all things with the Son and the Holy Spirit, who are eternal wisdom and power.
The prophet's response to this was a resource that began with faith. In other words, because of the joy he had when his sins were forgiven, Isaiah decided to fully dedicate himself. Now, we, who have received God's grace of salvation, should prepare ourselves for God's call, have confidence in God's work, and have the determination to respond to His call.
Isaiah 50:4 The Sovereign LORD has given me the tongue of a learner, that I may know how to help the needy with words; He wakes me up every morning; He awakens my ear to understand like a scholar.
Isaiah 50:5 The Sovereign LORD has opened my ear; I do not rebel nor turn back.
Isaiah 50:6 I gave my back to those who struck me, and my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard; I did not hide my face from shame and spitting.
Isaiah 50:7 I know that I will not be put to shame, because the Sovereign LORD helps me; I have set my face like flint.
Now let me finish my speech.
Even in the midst of terrible judgment, God fulfills the promises he has made to the people who are blind, deaf and blind to discover God's will. Even if a chestnut or oak tree is cut down, its stump remains. Even if all the people are exterminated, the holy seed among them will remain and continue as the covenant people. This stump is God's promise that a new Israel will spring up after the old Israel is judged and destroyed as a 'holy seed'.
The only condition is that only a few repentant people will inherit the kingdom of God called Israel in a glorious future. Therefore, although the majority are hopelessly abandoned, the “holy seed” saved by the faithful God who keeps the covenant will grow into a new Israel and the fruit will fill the whole earth. Now God is calling us to be the stumps of today. In order to be the remaining stumps in this sinful world, we will have to humble ourselves and repent to God.
Dear all! First, meet God. And see yourself naked before God. And obey God's call to seek us in that moment. In the name of the Lord, I bless you in the name of the Lord that no matter how far you have lived your life or whatever circumstances you are in, through this great discovery, you will have a life that will be used preciously by the Lord.