Title: The Heart That God Conceives
God's repentance enables man to live a life of grace, bringing justice, love, the Sabbath, and power. On the other hand, legal repentance through human strength leads to recklessness, condemnation, arrogance, and self-righteousness, leading to humanists who oppose themselves, their families, the society, the church, and even God. The only way to repent is to earnestly seek God's help through faith, ask for God's mercy, and obey God's Word. As we are familiar with the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15, we must change our hearts. Furthermore, we must turn away by longing for the arms of our father through our actions. This parable is also a parable that well conveys the will of God in the Old Testament when Jesus cried out to Israel to always return.
Israel left the bosom of God and led a mixed religious life according to the pagan gods and pagan rituals. He already had a hard heart and did not go past the frozen ritual religion. In order to heal them, God judged them to have their religious life of formal religion and superficial religion cleared through the 70 years of Babylonian captivity. Those who return to God live deeply feeling that the grace of God lives in them, that their heart always obeys the Lord's words, and that living according to His Word is the most precious and worthy value. A person who always has thanks and praise, always has his own humility, and always depends on God for everything and is determined to forsake his impartial and greed. One person who has this kind of heart that God allows to repent is to evangelize many unbelievers through him and make them God's people and members of the kingdom of God.
The person God causes to repent is the person who believes in the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit influences him so that his heart is always filled with God. This is the humble heart that tax collectors and prostitutes already had. A heart of poor mourning A heart of compassion and mercy A heart that knows how to be compassionate with others. the pleasures of the body