Title: The Importance of Water (Ex 17:1-7)
The words of this text are not intended to point out the abnormal life or morality of the Samaritan woman, but do not refer to the relationship between Jesus and the woman. This text is the word that informs the beginning of the church through religious tension and the life of those who seek to overcome it. It would be correct to say that it was written in the spirit of preaching the truth of the gospel. Although this woman was familiar with the rivalry between the Samaritans and the Jews, the conversation took place at the well. Jesus unravels the conversation by asking for water from Jacob's well. The problem to think about here is that the disciples are now going to the village to get food, and Jesus is interested in “Doing the will of God is my food.” It is also worth noting where the well was located. Now, Jesus is having a conversation with the woman of the enemy in Samaria, where he has no business relationship. Jesus is above Jacob and Judaism. In this text, Jesus teaches five important truths.
The first is that the water that Jesus gives is living water that never becomes thirsty.
Second, since God is a Spirit, those who worship Him...