Title: The Importance of Evangelism
Everyone, what do you think is the most beautiful and greatest thing in the world? It's a dark and bleak world like these days, but there seem to be a lot of people who are doing really good things. Some people dedicate their entire life to schools and welfare institutions, while others dedicate their lives to living with poor people living with mental and physical disabilities. On the other hand, there are hospice people who have lost their hope of living due to a terrible disease such as cancer, and are living next to people who are dying in pain. I was very moved when I saw the news that a person I had no knowledge of and had no relationship with had died of kidney disease and had part of his organs removed. How touching and beautiful are these? But there is something more valuable and beautiful than that. do you know what It is to preach the gospel.
In a rural area, a child from a poor family came in and rescued the only son of a rich family from drowning while playing in the river, saving his life. Then he took away a lot of property from the rich family and made the child a lifelong benefactor, and he was always grateful.
Talking about how you can have eternal life is the most beautiful and great thing you can do for someone else.
“Rescue those who are being led away to death, and do not save those who are slaughtered” (Proverbs 24:11).
I know that there is no need to stress the importance of evangelism. Evangelism is the Lord's great command to all Christians and the greatest mission on earth. In Mark 16:15, Jesus said to his disciples, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” The Apostle Paul said that he was “the chosen one for the gospel of God” (Romans 1:1), and prayed to God, “Give me your word, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mysteries of the gospel.” . And Paul exhorted in Timothy, "I solemnly command you before God and before Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, that you preach the word. In season and out of season, I solemnly command you before Christ Jesus, that you preach the word." . He even said, "Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel." The Bible clearly shows that evangelism is the Lord's solemn command.
A theologian named Brunnner also said, "A church that does not evangelize is a dead church. A living church is a church that does evangelism." He also said, "As a fire burns when it is lit, a church is a church when it evangelizes." Evangelism is a word that reminds us that evangelism is not the business or event of the church, but the essence of the church. And a believer becomes a believer only when he can evangelize. This is because evangelism is the best way not only to revive the church, but also to bring about spiritual revival of individual members.
Jesus also came to this earth to preach.
"Jesus said to them, "I must also preach the gospel of the kingdom of God in other towns, for I have been sent for this." And he preached in the synagogues of Galilee" (Luke 4:43, 44).
Let us also try to evangelize by following Jesus. Evangelism is the greatest privilege and greatest mission that Christians have. Let's pray and do our best so that each of us can be led by the Holy Spirit and become a work force of evangelism.
* Prayer: Lord, who commanded us to spread your gospel to the whole world, thank you for giving us the mission to preach the good news of salvation. No matter what we do in the world, help us to remember this great calling and to be the best we can do. I pray that you will obey the Lord's commands and live devoting yourself to the gospel witness. Let us rejoice in suffering for the sake of the church of Christ. Pray for them to show interest and love for others and to work hard for evangelism with passion for the gospel. Help me to live as a disciple of the Lord who can burn himself in preaching the gospel to the ends of the earth. Give me the faith of an evangelist who obeys the Word and preaches only Christ and entrusts all results to the Holy Spirit. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.