Title: The Judge of Christ
A. Introduction
1. Raise a problem
1) The meaning of the law 2) The meaning of the fulfillment of the law 3) The content of the righteousness of the Pharisees and the scribes and the righteousness of the saints 4) The meaning of 'unable to enter the kingdom of heaven'
B. Body
1. Definition of Law
1) Views on the Law
(1) The Law is the Ten Commandments (2) The Law is the Pentateuch (3) Thomas Aquinas' Law Classification: a. moral law b. ritual c. social law
2) The righteousness that Jesus spoke of: the law or the words of the prophets (prophets) → the entire Old Testament (teaching under the Old Covenant) → The sum of the Old Testament messages (總和)
2. The meaning of the fulfillment of the law
1) Three positions on the law
(1) Legalism: We gain salvation by keeping all the requirements of the law through our own actions→a. Humanist b. moralist
(2) Lawlessism: I have no need for or care about the law as I have been saved.
(3) Evangelicalism: While firmly adhering to the idea that salvation comes only through faith, not works, those who are saved at the same time must keep the law as a result of being saved.
2) Contents of the completion of the law of Jesus
(1) Completed with his own teaching → The Old Testament teachings are sublimated and matured more spiritually (2) Completed through his life and life (3) Completed through his own death → Jesus' public activities is a priestly activity (you have to be 30 years old to take on the role of a priest)
3. The impartiality of the Pharisees and the scribes
1) Righteousness to be attained by being conscious of people
2) Righteousness based on selfishness: (Example) Abuse of ‘Corban: Offering to God’
3) Righteousness for self-pride
4. The righteousness of Christians (saints)
1) There is nothing to brag about before God, only thanksgiving
2) Living life with righteousness → Imputated impartiality: (Imputed Righteousness)
5. Works and Salvation
1) Those who truly love the Lord have no choice but to keep the commands of the Lord.
2) The righteous life that the Lord said is to bring about a wonderful life in which I can fulfill the demands of the Holy Spirit when I obey and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
C. Conclusion
1. When I walk after the Holy Spirit, the requirements of God's law are fulfilled within me.
2. You will enter the kingdom of heaven with the impartiality that follows the Holy Spirit.