Title: The Lord's Great Blessings/Nehemiah 9:35
Content Title: The Lord's Great Blessing
Text: Neh 9:35
Introduction: The Lord God is the source of all blessings. many blessings to all humans
God evenly distributed, but specially chosen Israel to live to serve that God.
He brings great blessings to the people. It was said to be a great blessing, so the content is also grand
But the grace of God who bestowed it on us is limitless.
1. What are the great blessings?
The text reads, “They have brought the kingdom and the great blessings you have given them, and the blessings you have given them before them.
They enjoy a wide and fertile land, yet they do not serve the Lord…”
It has the same meaning, but in verse 25 of this chapter, it says, “They have fortified cities and fertile land.
houses and wells dug and vineyards filled with all the beautiful things,
Occupying the olive groves and many crops, eating enough to gain weight, and blessing the Lord with great blessings.
Did you enjoy it...", so it is a wonderfully rich and wonderful blessing.
Because only the people chosen from the welfare of Canaan, flowing with and honey, received
it's called luck
To the Gentiles and to the wicked, God's generous mercy
It is true that happiness abounds, but the people who have chosen more precious blessings
We should live in gratitude to God for giving us.
2. Great blessings should be greatly repaid.
It seems like it is okay to repay a big blessing in a big way and a small blessing in a small way,
In fact, if you look at it, there can be no small blessings, and even the smallest things are judged.
If we think about it, it is a great blessing for us humans.
Moreover, it is only reasonable to repay the blessings that have been designated as great blessings.
All. Nevertheless, the people of Israel were "rather disobedient,
A prophet who rebels against the Lord and turns to the Lord, leaving His law behind his back
They killed the wild and did it in a great way” (verse 26).
That's wrong.
In verse 35, in the second half of the text, it says, "...Do not serve the Lord, nor cease to do evil.
No,” he said, and he is blatantly disobedient, far from reciprocating greatly.
the situation is all. These are things that could never happen. how to be blessed
Although he cannot reciprocate greatly, if he disobeys greatly, the impact on the result will be
You should expect the scent to be strong. That is, because the love was great and the expectations were high.
Anger is also greatly displayed.
Conclusion: The people of Israel could not repay this great blessing much, so the Gentiles
He became a prisoner of war and had a miserable experience. Even today, realistic
Rebels who are unable to pay tribute will be severely punished.