Title: The Lord Is My Shepherd (Psalm 23)
Contents ?? background of the text
1. David, who was a shepherd, used the parable of the shepherd and the sheep to compare God the shepherd and the sheep.
The gracious words that record your relationship with yourself (the saints) with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit
Main subject:
1. Confession of faith of both believers (1)
1) Jehovah is my shepherd.
end. The spiritual relationship between God and the saints
Sheep saints cannot live for a moment without Jehovah God, the Shepherd.
2) I am not lacking.
end. I want no more.
I. I am content with the fact that Jehovah is my Shepherd.
(This is the true identity of the soul of the saint)
2. The appearance of the world in which Yangin saints live
1) Valley of the Shadow of Death (Part 4)
The valley of death overshadowed by the death of body and soul
2) There are enemies (5 matches)
A world full of the enemies of the saints, the enemies of God, and the enemies of the gospel
3. Why does the sheep have no lack and no fear as God the Shepherd (2-6)
1) Because God leads them to green pastures and still waters.(2)
end. God guides me
I. God leads me to green pastures and still waters
All. God who provides food for the soul and living water for the soul
(The food of the soul and the living water of the soul are the Word of God)
2) Because it revives my soul. (3rd part)
end. God who gives strength to my tired and discouraged soul and restores it.
(Restored by the word of God, which is the food of the soul and living water)
3) It is because He leads you in the path of righteousness for the sake of the name of God. (After 3)
end. God guides me in the path of righteousness
I. God leading me for the name of God
4) Because God is with me. (Part 4)
end. God the Shepherd with me, the sheep
5) Because God's staff and staff comfort me. (After 4)
A. Canes and sticks: essential items for guiding and protecting the sheep of the shepherds at the time
B. God who comforts (encourages) me
6) Because he does good to me in front of my enemies, praises me, and gives me rewards. (5)
end. Preparing the Lord's Supper in the Eyes of the Enemy: God's Praise and Reward
I. Oil on my head: recognition, glory, praise
All. My cup overflows: the abundance of the soul, the contentment, the final victory
1. The conviction and spiritual determination of the saints (6)
1) The assurance of the saints
end. “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.”
For all the days I live on this earth, God will show me goodness and kindness.
always treat you
I. The Importance of Confidence: Strong Faith in God
2) The spiritual determination of the saints
A. “I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever”
I will live in God's house forever.
Soon, I will live the Word, prayer, worship, evangelism, and godly life forever.
B. The Importance of Spiritual Determination: The Soul's Response to God
2. A sheep cannot live without a shepherd. The sheep are with the shepherd and must be guarded by the shepherd.
The shepherd is the life of the sheep. God the Shepherd is my life