Title: The Lord Who Bears Our Sins
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The Lord who bore our iniquities (Isaiah 53:4-6)
Dear saints, This morning, I pray that the spiritual grace and blessings of our Lord will fill the saints and your families. Isaiah 53 is one of the most famous Messianic prophecies in the Old Testament. In the text, why did the Messiah suffer? Why did the Messiah suffer? The words are recorded. As we examine the text of the text, we would like to share grace with you under the title “Lord who took away our iniquities”.
I. our sins
II. How were you in charge?
Ⅲ. What was the result of taking on sins?
Dear all! Why did our Lord carry the cross? Why did you suffer that pain and that shame on the cross? Today's text clearly says, "He paid for our iniquities, that he took the curse that we deserved, and that the Lord paid for us on our behalf." On the cross, the Lord said, “It is finished” and died. At the time, it is the word used at the end of the receipt to indicate that the payment was made in full. It is saying that Jesus died on the cross and paid the full price for all our sins. So we have been forgiven of our transgressions and sins. Freed from all suffering and sorrow. I have found peace and healing. Hallelujah! Dear all! I hope this will be a time to reflect on the Lord who suffered on the cross for my peace, my salvation, and my blessing. I pray that you will become a saint who promises love and devotion to the Lord.