Title: The Man Crucified with Christ
18 days
Sermon Title
crucified with Christ
Old Testament text
Micah 7:18-20
New Testament text
Romans 6:6-11
sermon video
Old Testament
18. Where is there a god like you? You forgive iniquity and the transgressions of those who remain in their inheritance;
Because of your delight, you do not hold back your wrath for long.
19. He will have mercy on us again, and will tread our iniquity under his feet, and cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.
to be
20. As the Lord swore to our fathers of old, He was faithful to Jacob, and showed mercy to Abraham.
new testament
6. We know that our old self was crucified with Jesus so that the body of sin died and we
lest they be slaves to sin.
7. For the dead have been set free from sin and justified.
8. If we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him.
9. For Christ was raised from the dead and died no more, and death no longer reigns over him.
I know you can't
10. For he died, he died to sin once for all; and that he lives, he lives to God.
11. In the same way you also make yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.
Oh, count it as one
Have you ever been crucified with Jesus? A Christian is someone who has died with Jesus.
to be. I am not speaking doctrinal, but in my actual life I am referring to my death experience. Apostle
Paul confessed: “I have been crucified with Christ…” (Galatians 2:20)
What does it mean to be crucified with Christ?
1. It means the death of my old self with Jesus. (Verses 6, 7) The old man is who I was before I believed in Jesus.
All. The old man is a man who lives by his own greed. Self-satisfaction is anything but true satisfaction
none. Humans, who have fallen into sin, will perish if they live according to their desires. When the old man dies, he is freed from the dominion of sin.
2. It means living to God with Jesus (verses 8, 9). The old man is ruled by sin, but the new man
lives serving God. The old man is bound by sin and has no choice but to sin, but the new man is free to God
live for the joy of The cross of Jesus gave us freedom and the happiness of living in God.
3. The secret to overcoming sin is to regard me as dead to sin and alive to God. (Verses 10, 11) We
cannot overcome sin on its own. But when Christ died for us, I also died with him.
If you admit that you were, you overcome sin. We are no longer under sin, but children of God the Eternal Father.
If you are a Christian, there are certain things you should be aware of. The sovereignty of sin that has taken us captive in our lives
the fact that it is already broken. Because we are now in Jesus. believe in this
end? Do you accept this fact? A Christian is a person who has been crucified with Christ.
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