Title: The Man Jesus Has Pity
Watching the Great Earthquake in Japan (2)
As Japan is confused by the great earthquake and the collapse of the atomic nucleus, anomalies that are occurring simultaneously around the world, extreme weather conditions, various signs, natural disasters, and new infectious diseases. … . It seems clear that it is time to renew our faith. You shouldn't live in spiritual complacency just because you're too peaceful. If we are always spiritually awake, thinking of the end every day, avoiding sin, and preparing to meet the Lord with purer faith, we have inherited a kingdom that does not shake... … . There's nothing to worry about, I don't think. Hanju Lee will also win in Juan!
Title: The man whom Jesus had compassion on Mark 10:46-52
One of the hallmarks of successful people is that they have clear goals. If you have a clear goal, you have passion and focus on that task and don't look elsewhere. One of the keys to success is persistence. It means that you are dedicated to the task until the end and never give up. Today's message is Jesus Bartimaeus, a blind and beggar. As soon as I heard the words, Jesus, son of David, I shouted for mercy, and people told me to be quiet, but they shouted even louder, saying, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.” you said The blind man leaves his outer garments behind and jumps up to go to Jesus, where his faith is acknowledged, his eyes are opened, and he enjoys the blessing of following the Lord.
Who did Jesus have pity on?
What kind of faith would Jesus say is great?
One gracious testimony per week.
Bartimaeus, the blind beggar, eagerly seeks Jesus
it was If it were you, tell me what you would have done, and tell me about your resolve.
Verse 50: Just like a blind man who left his cloak and jumped up and went to Jesus,
What are you earnestly wishing for right now?
Let's talk about the grace we received through the Word.
Let's pray together for the time of the soul in 2011 and for the revival of the Nonsan Hanbit Church.