Title: The meaning of the celebration of Christmas
Content The meaning of the celebration of Christmas (Matthew 2:1-6)
2000 years ago, unlike ordinary people, Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born on this earth. The wise men from the East saw the sign and came to offer offerings and worship. Shepherds outside the field heard the voice of God through an angel and came to worship. When he was 12 years old, he went up to Jerusalem and, during his argument with the scholars at the time, surprised the scholars by demonstrating wisdom and knowledge beyond human beings. After 30 years of private life serving mothers and fathers in Nazareth, she began her public life at the age of 31. For three years, he chose 12 people who were not very good, made disciples, and taught the truth while traveling from Jerusalem to Galilee and Samaria. Then he was betrayed by one of his disciples, sold for 30 pieces of silver, and crucified to death. As recorded in the Bible, he was resurrected after 3 days, appeared here and there in various forms for 40 days, and finally ascended to heaven. At that time, Jesus left nothing, but today, 2000 years later, He conquered the world and became the hope of all mankind.
However, many people today criticize this Jesus not as a real person, but as a myth, legend, or exaggerated fiction to deify. The incident of walking on water, the incident of Oh Byung-Eye. He criticizes it as a made-up story. At the very least, they respect Jesus as one of the three great saints along with Buddha and Confucius. At this point today, “Who is Jesus?” We have to criticize it coldly.