Title: The New Humanity/Ephesians 2:19-22
The theme of Ephesians is the church. The word church appears only once in 1:22 (verse 23 is a relative pronoun), but the entire book of Ephesians refers to the church. The church is the people of God, the kingdom of Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit. In Ephesians, the church is the kingdom of God, the children of God, the temple of God, the body of Jesus, and the place armed with the full armor of God.
I. God's Kingdom
The kingdom of God is where God rules. “The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit alone” (Romans 14:17). When the righteousness, peace, and joy of Jesus Christ enter into your personal life, you are transformed and the kingdom of heaven where you can enjoy spiritual blessings will come. Paul said, “You are no longer strangers and strangers, but you are fellow citizens with the saints” (19). The walls of Gentiles and Jews have been broken down in Christ Jesus and we have become equal citizens who draw near to God. This is the Church of Christ, and it is a revolutionary event. Paul became a new man in Christ Jesus and saw the kingdom (the church) ruled by Christ.
II. God's Children in Christ
Paul referred to the church as a family, including friends, slaves, and employees (19c). Thus, the church is a new family relationship, a close and strong one. Just as the character of parents is passed down to their children in a family, we must imitate God's holiness and grow up. So, we need to build a church as a family that takes care of each other, fellowships and prays. Also, by becoming an adopted child who has God as his father, a brother and sister relationship is established. Not only do we belong to God the Father forever, but we also have the privilege of receiving His help, guidance, and blessings of inheritance.
III. God's Temple
concluding remarks
The church with the new humanity is the church (saints) ruled by Jesus Christ. As children of God in Jesus Christ, we must establish new family relationships and live as children of God. In the name of the Lord, I pray that we will all become new people who build spiritual houses like living stones with Jesus Christ as the cornerstone on the foundation of faith of apostles and prophets in order to build the house of God.