Title: The Poor and the Rich
In this world, it is said that the richest and most powerful are the most successful. So everyone is rushing to death with twin wicks in their eyes to grab them. In order not to pass on to their children the sorrows that parents do not have, they have driven their children to all kinds of extracurricular studies and academies from an early age, leaving their humanity behind and only passing on knowledge to their children. In a word, this world is like a battlefield for success.
The difference between the haves and the have-nots on this earth is truly miserable. Those who have nothing need nothing, so they wear a lot of clothes, whereas those who don't have to wear a lot of clothes even if they buy one piece of clothing, and if they want to enjoy the social life, they have to fasten their belts. It is said that if there is a small hill, it is said that those who have the so-called line are somewhat prosperous, but those who do not have it are always difficult to avoid being left behind.
For that reason, those who have are forming relationships with those who have them, and those who do not have relationships with those who do not. So the rich beget the rich again, and the poor beget the poor again. The world is so unfair. That's why those who don't have a common spit are complaining, "Some of them meet their parents well and live in a comfortable world, while others are having trouble with their wrong parents." It is difficult for us to survive in such a chasm.
But our God is absolutely fair. While people in this world judge humans based on what they have, God is the one who looks at the heart of human beings, so it is a hope for us. He is the supreme supreme of God to people like us who are powerless and have no money. God knew this in advance and sent His Son to this earth to give hope to people like us. Now, if we only believe in the Son sent by God, we can enjoy greater happiness and wealth than the people of this world enjoy.
No matter how high the status of people in this world is, they become billionaires and earn all the envy of the people of the world, but when they die, they return to a handful of dust. Since humans are spiritual beings, even after death, unlike animals, their souls remain. If the soul does not get rid of sin while it is alive in the body, it will be resurrected as a body of sin after death. Then the body of sin cannot escape eternal suffering. This is the punishment of hell in the Bible.
The reason we must believe in the Son sent by God is that we must cast off all these sins while our bodies are alive on this earth. If we only cast off this sin, God will make us His children and give us infinite blessings. This applies equally to all humans living on Earth. Even those who have formally attended the church until now, even those who have belonged to heresy or unbelievers, can receive forgiveness of all their sins and become children of God if they believe in the Son sent by God.
Now the choice is ours. Because God never regrets anything, he does not force people to come to him and believe in his Son. Today, people looking for and bothering people in the name of evangelism are actually only an excuse to achieve their goals. There was a time when I too fell into carnal thoughts. But now that I know the essence of God, I will not force anyone to possess the kingdom of God.
In a certain country there is a good king who possesses so much wealth that he cannot control his gold. But what he is saying is that he will give all this gold to those who enter his palace and live there. However, the condition is that you should live as the king tells you to do. But those who pursue the pleasures of the world will not listen to the king right away.
He said that there was not only gold in the palace, but also an elixir that would make him live forever if he ate it. Those who enter the palace are also subject to the condition that the king will adopt him as his son and inherit his kingdom. Why would such a king feel sorry for him and force him to go to the people and distribute it?
As someone who first visited the palace by God's exclusive grace, I earnestly ask you all to enter and live in that palace. In a word, it is a king that cannot be compared with this world. Now the choice is only yours.