Title: The poor are never threatened.
July 25th Wednesday morning prayer and meditation on the Word.
- Proverbs 13:1-13. The poor are never intimidated.
The text following Proverbs chapter 10 is full of short lessons, truly gems of proverbs. Maybe that's why, if you don't keep your mind straight and meditate, it's easy to miss the profound meaning of each verse because it seems that similar and similar words are repeated over and over again. One of the best ways to meditate on these texts is to extract words that appear repeatedly in similar and similar verses and to classify the characteristics of the righteous and the wicked. For example, the conditions of the righteous that appear repeatedly in today's text as well as in Proverbs are to accept discipline, keep one's mouth, prefer honest poverty, and be diligent. Another way is to hold on to a phrase or expression that catches your eye even if you read it plainly and meditate on it over and over again. Then, even through one verse or one expression, the principle that penetrates the entire text or the commandment that I have to hold on to all day today becomes clear.
The last thing to consider is verse 12. “A wish is slow to come true, it breaks the heart, but a wish fulfilled is a tree of life.” What you long for in your heart, if it does not come true and time goes by, it will hurt your heart, but if your wish comes true, it will soon become a tree of life. We do not know how many wishes, empirically or around us, have been longed for and prayed for, but never come true or are abandoned. In this way, when a wish does not come true, you must first consider carefully whether this is a vain wish derived from human desire. But sometimes, even though it is the hope promised in Christ, it is heartbreaking that it seems to be delayed without showing any sign of being fulfilled. I would like to invite you to recall the prayer of George Mueller that I read recently.
As of 1864,
I'm thinking of some blessings
waiting for God to give it
Without missing a single day for 19 years and 6 months
I have been praying for it.
It is for the conversion of some people,
But I haven't received enough responses yet.
while praying over it,
Countless prayers have been answered.
10 years for some
I prayed every single day,
for others
I prayed for 6 or 7 years.
Depending on the person, I prayed for 4, 3, or 2 years;
Dear Christians,
Be brave and embrace a new passion
Devote yourself to prayer.
what you are looking for
that it is for the glory of God
If you are sure, do it.
- George Muller
George Mueller prayed every day for 19 years and 6 months. Although the answer to his prayer was delayed, he did not lose heart and prayed. Maybe I stopped praying for 19 days or so. Even if I prayed for a little longer, it seems that I prayed for 2-3 months before getting discouraged and stopped. Even if George Mueller, who had been praying for 19 years, did not receive enough answers, as he experienced many other prayers answered during that time, if we too have the hope the Lord has given us, we should pray without becoming discouraged. If there is a soul who prays every day for 9 years for the community of Jesus Village, which has just passed 9 years, even if they did not receive enough answers, many prayer topics in the vicinity would have been fulfilled in the meantime. How long will we continue to pray? If we could pray every single day for 19 years and 6 months for me and your loved ones, for family and friends, for the revival of this community, and for our spiritually devastated country and its country, even if the answer is not up to our standards. Even if it's not enough, I believe that God will be glorified and faithfully answering.