Title: The Potter's Hand (Jeremiah 18:1-6)
Jeremiah, son of Hilkiah the priest, received certain approval from God when he was called.
I was called.
"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born
I have set you apart and appointed you to be a prophet to the nations” (1:5).
However, at the time when he received the mission, the southern kingdom of Judah was not ready to receive the Word at all.
1) He was deeply immersed in idolatry.
"I have planted you as a true true seed, a precious vine;
Why is it that the vine is an evil branch?” (2:21).
“Therefore everyone who comes out there will be torn to pieces, for their transgressions are many and their rebellion.
It is severe (5:6)."
2) Rejected the prophet.
“I have also set up a watchman over you; hear the trumpet sound,” they said.
“We will not listen” (6:17).
"Therefore...I will set a stumbling block before this people...a neighbor and his friend together
will perish” (6:21).
3) They disobeyed the Word of God.
“Hear my voice, and I will be your God, and you
a people, walk in all the ways I have commanded you, and you will be blessed.
“They did not listen or listen (7:24); then I
In the cities and in the streets of Jerusalem the sound of rejoicing, of rejoicing, of the bridegroom, of the bride
The sound will be cut off, and the land will be desolate” (7:34).
At this point, God showed Jeremiah making potter's clay.
What can you realize?
“Arise and go down to the potter’s house.” (18:2)
1. God's absolute sovereignty, the potter's absolute sovereignty
The potter can make and break clay pots, and
It is made in any size or according to the potter's will.
“The potter made a pot of clay, one for honor and one for humble.
Do you not have the authority to make it? (Romans 9:21)
“He made another vessel from it, according to what was good in his position” (18:4).
God raises up those who will build up and rejects those who will reject him.
If we obey the Word and live God first, we will be able to receive God regardless of our circumstances or circumstances.
you set up
However, if you still worship idols and disobey the Word, no matter how good the conditions are,
Even if you can afford it, God forsakes it.
This is the sovereignty of God and the sovereignty of the potter.
2. The potter and the clay are inseparable.
The clay needs to be held in the potter's hands to achieve something.
“…O house of Israel, you are in my hands as clay is in the hands of the potter” (18:6).
No matter how well our cultural level and social security system are in our lives, eventually we
You can't do anything without leaving.
“The Lord God formed man from dust and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.
And man became a living soul (Genesis 2:7), even if I ascend to heaven, he will be there and
Even if I stretch out my bed, you are there.” (Psalm 139:8)
3. The potter is waiting for you today.
The potter's heart is anxious until it becomes a good vessel.
Still, he waits for the last remaining process to be completed and makes a good bowl and uses it.
Today, God heals us, writes us, fills us, writes us, creates us
To be a vessel worthy of God's use, it must be held in the hands of the potter.