Title: The Power of Resurrection Faith
The power of resurrection faith
(Luke 24:32-35)
What changes in your life will happen if you have faith in the resurrection?
First, my heart is burning / Verse 32.
It is said that the hearts of the two disciples became warm when the resurrected Jesus spoke. My heart, which is cold like ice, becomes hot. If your heart is burning, it means that you have the fire of the Holy Spirit in your heart. A person of God must have a burning passion. Passion for prayer, passion for evangelism, passion for the Word, passion for mission, and passion for life As the fire of the Holy Spirit burns the heart, fear, fear, discouragement, and frustration disappear, and confidence, joy, and peace overflow.
Second, the direction of life changes/verse 33.
After meeting the resurrected Jesus, where did the disciples turn to? On the way to Emmaus, we return to Jerusalem again, and we go on to the place of our mission. That too will go on right away. This voluntarily goes to the place of the mission God has given you.
Third. Becoming a witness of the Resurrection/Verse 35.
The saints of the early church said this in Acts 4:20 after they experienced the resurrection. “We cannot but speak what we have seen and heard.” Those who have experienced the resurrection feel compelled to testify. As believers, like the two disciples on their way to Emmaus, this Easter we must meet and believe in the risen Lord. Even if you believe in everything else, if you do not believe in the resurrection of Jesus or believe in your own resurrection, you cannot be saved. Romans 10:9 says, "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." If you do not have faith in the resurrection, you cannot be saved.
Those who have faith in the resurrection can solve the problem of death, have the hope of heaven, and overcome any hardships. For those who are still unsure about the resurrection, please pray for resurrection faith, and with resurrection faith, I hope that you will become a saint who is not afraid of death and who overcomes any hardships.