Title: The Queen's Acts of Concern (1:17-18)
The queen's conduct of concern (1:17-18)
Vashti's disobedience to the king's name shows the effect it will have on the people, which means that wives will laugh at their husbands and will not listen to them.
“I will despise” (Heb: Rehavzot) means 'to despise', 'to criticize' or 'to ridicule' and means 'to give little value to something.' .
Just as the prestige of a king has been reduced because of the queen, it means that husbands will lose face because of their wives.
1. Rumors that will spread throughout the region
The wise men are concerned that Queen Vashti's actions will spread to Persia and the Medes and have a bad influence.
The Queen is the one who gets the attention of all the people, and she thinks that his actions should be prevented from spreading quickly throughout the region, and he immediately suggests to the king that he should respond quickly.
2. Relationship between husband and wife in the home
In each family, it is not uncommon for a woman to ignore and disobey her husband, which will destroy the peace of the family and cause contempt and anger.
This is because, even secretly, there were many people who immediately took part in the feast, and when they return home, the wives will follow the queen's actions to their husbands.
(Ephesians 5:22) “Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.”
(Ephesians 5:33) “Each one should love his wife as himself, and let the wife love her husband.”
(1 Peter 3:1) “Wives, be in subjection to your husbands in the same way, that even those who do not obey the way may be saved, not by word but by the works of their wives” (1 Peter 3: One)
3. Responsibilities of the Model
The relationship between the king and the queen can have a profound effect on the marital relationship of all people, so the king and queen need to speak and act more carefully.
However, Queen Vashti had to speak and act more carefully, but she forgot this and acted negligently, eventually depriving her of her position as queen.
(Acts 20:35) “I set an example for you in all things, to work in this way to help the weak and to remember that the Lord Jesus Himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
(1 Peter 3:6) “As Sarah obeyed Abraham by calling him lord, so you became his daughters by doing good and not being surprised by any fear.”
* Believers who should imitate Christ and become a light to the world must take responsibility and be careful about their words and deeds.