Title: The Rebellion of Zacharias
Content 怜》だ? Elizabeth was an old couple and childless. They kept the commandments and lived godly lives. When Zacharias became a priest and was performing his duties, an angel came and said, “Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, who is great before the Lord. It will be a great joy for you and for everyone.” He said, “Because I am old and my wife is old, I am reluctant to believe the angel’s words. I do not believe, because I told you that until this happens, you will become mute, so I became a mute and wrote in the West Building as an adjective. As I said, this rumor spread widely, and I wondered what would happen to the child. He was John the Baptist. There was no one greater than John the Baptist among the women born.
1. He baptized Jesus. (Matthew 3:16-19)
When Jesus asked John to be baptized, he refused, but he baptized him for righteousness and when he came up from the water, the Holy Spirit came upon his head like a dove. In the air, this is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, God has said: Hear them.
2. They testified of Jesus as the Messiah. (John 1:29)
All the prophets testified of Jesus, but they did not see Jesus and testified, but they could not see him.
3. John the Baptist performed the baptism of repentance (Matthew 3:5-9)
He was born into a family of high priests and was able to enjoy riches and honors, but he gave it all away and lived as a commoner, wearing camel hair, eating locusts and turmeric, and baptizing repentance in the watery Jordan River. Many came out of the city, repented and were baptized, and thus became a forerunner of Jesus who prepared the way for Jesus.
4. Martyred.