Title: The Redemption of Jesus Christ
The text is 1 Peter 1:18-19
Redemption is also used as atonement, redemption, and ransom. The Greek word “ελυτρ θητε” for “what was redeemed” in the text comes from “λ τρον,” which refers to money paid as a ransom for the freedom of prisoners of war or slaves in the Greek era. According to the intention and plan of the sinless Jesus Christ, it refers to the concrete act of dying on the cross for the forgiveness of the sins of mankind. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross is the greatest act of God's redemptive history, God's greatest sacrifice, and the pinnacle of love. A more precious work than this has never been seen in the history of mankind and is the supreme core of the Christian gospel. The gospel can be explained and expressed in various ways, but if we only give the main points, ① the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross ② the forgiveness of sins through the blood ③ salvation through the forgiveness of sins. It can be summarized like this:
So, why did Jesus Christ become the scapegoat on the cross? We are all sinners. Since the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), a sinner must receive forgiveness of sins in order to be saved. A sinless, spotless sacrifice (blood) is needed for the forgiveness of sins. There is no one without sin in this world. But Jesus Christ, the only begotten begotten of God, is without sin. 1 Peter 2:22 “He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.” Hebrews 4:15, “He was without sin.”
Therefore, Jesus Christ is the only one who can forgive sins by shedding his blood for sinners. John 1:29 “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” Just as the lamb was sacrificed for sinners in the Old Testament times, Jesus Christ came into this world and became the sacrifice by shed blood on the cross for sinners. (1 Peter 1:18-19)
So, what was the sacrifice of Jesus Christ? ① humiliated instead of the heavenly throne into a stable of this world ② took the flesh and came as a servant in the likeness of a servant ③ the world was made by him, but instead of a vision he was despised and despised ④ sinless but made like a sinner ⑤ crown of thorns He wrote, ascended the hill of Golgotha, was innocuous, but was whipped. Out of the short life of 33 years, the public life of 3 years was a very difficult life. Jesus Christ spoke seven words while on the cross for six hours. From the third hour (9 o’clock) in the morning (Mark 15:25) to the sixth hour (12 o’clock), He spoke three words (Luke 23:24, 43, John 19:36), and from the sixth hour to the ninth hour (15 o’clock) (Matthew 27:45) The darkness continued, and he spoke four words until the ninth hour just before his fate. (Matthew 27:45-46) The six hours on the cross of the Lord were the culmination of the work of redemption. It can be said that the reason why Jesus came and why He lived was because of these six hours. And in the seven words spoken for six hours, God's work of salvation, Satan's judgment, and the final victory of the saints are all contained.
① One-song (Luke 23:34) “Jesus said to them, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” The love of Christ that forgives even to the last. ② Reason (Luke 23:43) “You will be with me in paradise.” ” Salvation of Christ ③Samsung (John 19:26) “John, I am your mother” Filial piety of Christ ④Four generations (Matthew 27:46) “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” The cry of Christ ⑤ Five voices ( John 19:28) “I am thirsty” The life of Christ ⑥ Nurture (John 19:30) “It is finished” Christ’s perfection ⑦ Seven stars (Luke 23:46) “Father, into your hands I commit my soul” of Christ soul.
Dear saints, even if we lose everything, our souls must be in God's arms. There is nothing in this world more precious than the soul. That is why they are “souls more precious than the world”. The souls of the saints are more precious than the world because they were redeemed by the blood of Jesus, which is more precious than the world. Why did Jesus command evangelism, and why was God pleased with it? Because Jesus Christ, who shed His blood on the cross, is honored and more souls call God Father. Therefore, the event of redemption on the cross, the blessing of atonement, begins with God's love and is completed through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and we see the light of it through evangelism. God's work of redemption will continue until Jesus Christ comes again.
In the name of the Lord, I pray that you will become all watchmen of the gospel that preach the amazing sacrifice of Jesus Christ.