Title: The Revival/Habakkuk 3:1-19
The time when Habakkuk was active was when Babylon rose rapidly, defeated the Assyrian Empire (about 612 B.C.), and won the war against Egypt, the powerful power in the south (about 605 B.C.), when his momentum soared to the sky. Without realizing this mighty crisis, his spiritual and moral depravity was reaching its peak. Hapbak-guk, who was desperate in this situation, experienced revival in his heart through meeting with God during prayer. We need the history of revival that Habakkuk experienced in this dark age in which we live. No, the history of revival must continue beyond the ages. We must keep in our hearts the message of revival that was given to our Unconditional Love community last week. What kind of revival is the revival that we who are in charge of this age should experience?
1. It is a revival where God's words come. (v.2a)
“I am amazed to hear about you.”
2. Our hearts are changed and it is a revival. (v.2b & 16-10)
"O Lord, may your works revive within a few years. Show them within these years. Do not forget mercy, even in your wrath."
3. It is a revival that sees the vision of God. (v. 3-15)
"... His glory has covered the heavens, and his praise fills the world."
Revival occurs when the Word of God touches down our hearts. That revival will cause a cataclysm in our hearts. My spiritual eyes will be opened, I will see the vision of God, and I will make it the dream of my life.
I envision the day when the world will be filled with the acknowledgment of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea, as Habakkuk saw. I bless you that the great revival of spirit that Habakkuk experienced will come upon all members of our everlasting love.