Title: The Sabbath's Gift/Numbers 28:1-31
Contents Hymn of the Week: Chapter 382 September 18, 1995
Main text: Numbers 28:1-31 Youngjin Church dawn
Subject: Sabbath Offerings 28.hwp
1. The Sabbath was an important day.
Talk about the offerings offered on the Sabbath.
1) Give twice - It's twice as much as usual.
365 days a week is dangerous
It is important to set apart and keep God's appointed days
2) The importance of the Sabbath - It was a big day and it was a day to be observed.
(Isa 58:13-14) If on the sabbath you forbade your feet, from doing entertainment on my holy day,
Call it a joyous day, and honor the holy day of the LORD, calling it an honorable day.
and do not walk in your own ways, do not seek your pleasure, speak privately
Otherwise, you will find joy in the Lord, and I will
You will put it in a place, and you will bring it up for the inheritance of your father Jacob, saith the LORD.
The holy water on this day is closely related to blessing, so it must be observed with all sincerity.
3) The saints and holy water on Sundays - It is the duty and responsibility to keep as the covenant people.
That forbids gathering for whatever reason is demonic.
2. Feast of Unleavened Bread (16-25)
1) Eat unleaved bread
It is to keep the grace of redemption and the grace of God.
Unleaved bread = symbolizes corrupting sins.
2) Labor is forbidden - Spiritual work must be wireless.
3) Gathering at the Holy Meeting - Saints should make every effort to gather regardless of the flow of the times.
Prayer / Month: For those who do business in the alumni
For the sake of faith, righteousness, sincerity, virtue, and prosper