Title: The Spiritual Meaning of Suffering
Job 1
6. One day the sons of God came and stood before the LORD, and Satan came among them.
7. The LORD said to Satan, "Where are you from?" Satan answered the LORD and said, "You have gone all over the earth from one place to another."
8. And the LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on the earth so innocent and upright, fearing God and turning away from evil."
9. Satan answered the LORD, saying, How can Job fear God without cause?
10. Isn't he a hedge around him and his house and all that he possesses, for thou hast blessed the work of his hands, that his possessions are spread over the earth?
11. Now stretch out your hand against all that he has, and he will surely curse you face to face.
12. And the LORD said to Satan, "All that he has I have put into your hand; but you must not put your hand on him. Satan immediately withdrew from the presence of the LORD."
1 Peter 4
1. Since Christ has already suffered in the flesh, in the same spirit, put on your armor, for he who suffered in the flesh has ceased to sin.
2. After that, I will no longer go after the lusts of men, but according to the will of God so that I may live the rest of my life
3. The time is sufficient for you to go after the will of the Gentiles, in your sexual immorality, lust, drunkenness, licentiousness, liaison, and lawless idolatry.
4. For this reason, they find it strange that you do not run with them in such extreme debauchery, and they slander you.
5. They will give an account to those who are ready to judge the living and the dead.
6. For this purpose the gospel was preached also to the dead, that they might be judged in the flesh as men, but live as God in the spirit.
Subject: The Spiritual Meaning of Suffering
Text: Job 1:6-12, 1 Peter 4:1-6,
Lent is the 40 days of fasting before Easter. It is a custom passed down as one of the tasks of godliness training recorded in Article 5 of the Canon Law of Nicaea (A.D.325). The number 40 is based on Moses, Elijah, and Jesus Christ. It is a custom to train the saints who are waiting for Easter with the sufferings of the Lord in mind to train them in spiritual reverence. There were times when only one meal per day was allowed before dinner. There were also foods that were not edible. In general, Lent was seen as an opportunity to reflect on one's life and repent, as they forbade festivals, give alms, and participate in more religious events than usual. This year, from March 1 (Ash Wednesday) to Easter Sunday (April 16).
Of course, as for the custom of Lent, the word ‘mortification’ would be more appropriate than ‘hardship’. It will be a training to personally experience the 'torture' in the sense of purifying our mind and body while thinking of the sufferings of Jesus. As you prayerfully practice sacred practices, you will experience spiritual benefits. Today's sermon is titled 'The Spiritual Meaning of Suffering'. This title comes from thinking about the true meaning of suffering that God, the Creator and Master of history, grants to mankind. Why does suffering exist on this earth? There is an easy answer. The answer is ‘because of sin’. Because the formula of causality comes to mind. It is also the answer in Genesis 3. However, there are some words in Genesis 3 that should not be overlooked. It is the consideration of God's love (Genesis 3:15,21).
If we carefully read and meditate on the Word of God, the Bible, there is the sound of the Bible that gently touches our hearts. It is an echo of God's love. You will think about the original gospel (Genesis 3:15), the hand of God who made and clothed you with leather garments (Genesis 3:21), and the profound meaning of the expulsion from Eden (Genesis 3:22-24). The voice says, “You are my children and I want to live with you forever.” In the parable of the prodigal son, the father wants his two sons to be together. God's wish to be together forever will come true. It is the image of the holy meeting that will unfold in the new heaven and new earth (Revelation 21:1-7). All aspects of life that go against the divine will must be overcome. Second, we must avoid the harm of death. For this purpose, it is necessary to overcome the eight sins and to prevent them (Revelation 21:8).
This is also the meaning of the book of Job. The Book of Job is a book that strongly objected to the cold formula of 'cause and retribution'. It is argued that the human high is a riddle that cannot be solved with the formula alone. It reminds us that Job's righteousness (Job 1:1-5) must be extraordinary, but that doesn't mean it can't be a basis for claiming any right before God. Satan's accusation that Job's righteousness had to do with his possessions (Job 1:9-11; 2:5) was not entirely unfounded. However, God's overflowing grace and love could not be replaced with the formula of causality and retribution alone. Today's New Testament text (1 Peter 4:1-6) is necessary to overcome the culture of the fallen age. The sufferings of the flesh that Christ suffered were according to the holy will of God, and He tells of the beautiful results. The spiritual meaning of suffering is profound. Rather than trying to avoid it, it is better to seek the will and conform. It is necessary to seek and obey the will of God who allowed suffering.